Don’t Give Up ~ You Can Do It

by | Jan 7, 2021

Philippians 4:12-13 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound.  In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance, and need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

It is time to lose the, “I just can’t do this” attitude.  There are no benefits to a hopeless attitude.  I truly know what it is like to feel as though you just can’t take one more day of what you are facing, but as Paul says in these verses, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!”

This is just one of many seasons of your life!  This stage is not forever, “it came to pass”!  Stop saying, “I can’t do this”, and start reminding yourself of the fact that The Almighty God will walk through this with you, hand in hand!  He is not leaving you alone, it is your choice whether or not you face it alone or you rely on His strength to get you through!  You can do all things, you can face another day, you can do what you have to do ~ if you rely on His strength and not your own!  Believe me, I have had many days in my life when I thought to myself, “I just can’t do this! Just one more day of this and I could lose my mind!”  That is when you just have to trust Him and hold on to His hand with all your might and tell Satan and all His defeating lies to get behind you!

You can do this!  You can rest in Him!  You can trust Him!  His strength is all you need!

Remember Joseph for a minute: His brothers sold him into slavery.  He went to prison because he was falsely accused.  One day…….. Pharaoh called and wanted him cleaned up and brought to him and Pharaoh made Joseph 2nd in command!  Dungeon to palace all in one day!  Remember Esther?  Just a young, poor Jewish girl who became Queen.  The list goes on and on in the Bible of people who faced horrible situations and in a moment of time things changed.  

What you are facing now, is not here for eternity!  You can get to the other side!  You can make this move!  You can have victory today!  Hold His hand!  Trust Him!  Your attitude is yours for the choosing!  No one can give you one and no one can take yours away!  Choose to believe Him today, He will see you through and your answer may be right around the corner!  Don’t give up!  The best is yet to come!

Quote: “You can’t be a smart cookie if you have a crummy attitude!”  John Maxwell