Don’t Join In The Confusion ~ Renew Your Mind

by | Oct 14, 2024

Romans 12:2, Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is ~ His good, pleasing, and perfect will.  

I don’t think satan could make it any more obvious that he chooses to battle in the mind.  He understands that it is what we think, what we focus on, what other people tell us, and what our emotions that can determine our course in life.  This doesn’t just apply to how we feel and think about ourselves, it plays a huge role in what we accept as right and wrong and our everyday decisions.  If he can get his foot in the door of your mind to make you question God’s, plan, His goodness, His character, and His Word, then satan knows he can manipulate and confuse you until you don’t know if you are coming or going!  Understand this; thoughts that make you question God’s goodness, plan, character, and His Word are thoughts straight from Hell, just like they were for Eve and satan plants those there so he can destroy you!  Guard your mind!  When those thoughts come to mind, stop them and remind yourself of what the Word of God has to say!

There’s so much craziness out there we absolutely must spend time saturating our minds with the Word of God!  We must pursue Him like never before.  Don’t accept the craziness of the world that they are trying to push to become ok to you when it comes against the Word of God.  I’m sorry but even when it comes to this whole “pronoun” idea, call them by their name every time but don’t agree with their confusion by speaking something that directly goes against what God has to say!  These poor children are being exploited and we don’t want to come into agreement or confirm their confusion.  There are so many issues out there it can be overwhelming so we must renew our minds daily with His Word!  We must be the light and you can’t agree with darkness and shine light at the same time!  We need to be praying continuously for people to see that they need Jesus!  They are so lost and confused and we need to live in a way that will help them see their way to Him.  

Renew your mind daily and if you have children make sure they are too.  Take the time to have devotions and pray with them before they go to bed.  Read Bible stories to your little ones and remind them daily of who God says they are.  Pray for them!  Ask God how you can shine for Him.  Look for ways to share His love with others.  Don’t go after people who are confused with anger, remember that the battle isn’t against flesh and blood, it’s a spiritual battle.  Don’t hate the person, despise the demons trying to destroy that person!  Pray for them and pray for God to draw them to Him.  Our time is short, let’s not miss an opportunity.  Renew your heart and mind continuously so you can test and approve what God’s will is!


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