Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go.”
There’s a lot of fear and panic in the world today and yet God is still on His throne! God hasn’t moved and He loves you and He’s got you! It isn’t just the virus that is driving people to the brink of total panic, it’s the loss of finances and for some, it is the struggle to be stuck at home alone or maybe it is having everyone home. Whatever it is, you can know that God hears, He sees and He cares. He will see you through to the other side.
We all need to be praying and seeking God’s face. We need to ask Him what we can do to better serve Him, right here, right now. If you have the ability to help someone else during this time, jump at the opportunity. If you are in need, please don’t allow satan to make you feel less than or ashamed, you need to see it as an opportunity for God to use someone else to bless you. It may be their training ground to learn to serve God and others, don’t let pride stand in the way of God using someone else. It is always more fun to be the one serving than the one being served, but there are times for both and the key is to not miss out on either because they both fulfill God’s purpose!
I can certainly testify to the fact that the best place to find more courage and hope is on your face before God and in His Word! Spend time reading His Word and pulling out those promises, reminding yourself of the God we serve! He is the almighty God, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the God of all creation and He loves you beyond words! He knows you by name! Now is the time to grow in your walk with Him! Choose wisely how you spend this time. Take time to teach your children and grandchildren! Tell them Bible stories. Give them Bible verses to memorize. Come up with fun rewards for achieving those things. Help them to grow in their walk with God or to accept Him as their Savior if they haven’t done that yet. Get intentional during this time to grow and serve Him better! Trust Him that this isn’t forever and that He has a plan, but you must seek Him with your whole heart! (Jeremiah 29:11-13). You can know that truly His best is yet to come, but you must be His to receive it. Share His love with someone else today. Reach out to those you know don’t know Him and show the love of Christ to them today as well. Be His hands and feet. Don’t allow this time to be wasted. Be strong and courageous and be the difference to the rest of the world by shining His light and confidence everywhere you go! His best is yet to come!
Quote: “Action conquers fear.” ~ Pete Zarlenga
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Ladies, I am so excited to share with you that my book is now available. This would be great to buy and give to someone who is struggling or for your Ladies Group to go through together, or even for someone who doesn’t know the Love of God yet. CLICK HERE. The new book is a 90-day devotional to help you grow in your understanding of His love which in turn will give you hope and grow your faith. ALSO: PLEASE, if you have ordered the book would you please go to Amazon and leave a review? Thank you so much for your support in spreading the word