Don’t Underestimate What He Can Do

by | Jan 19, 2021

2 Kings 4:43. But his servant said, “How can I set this before a hundred men?”  So he repeated, “Give them to the men, that they may eat, for thus says the Lord, ‘They shall eat and have some left.’”

Are you looking for God to just meet your needs or are you believing for “some left over”?  When Elisha saw the widow woman and her sons he told her to borrow pots from her neighbors and fill the pots with the little bit of oil she had left.  When she had done that he told her to go sell the oil and pay her debts and then she and her sons could live on the rest because there would be “some left over”. Now clearly all of the people in this story were living for God and walking with Him. We can’t just live any way we choose and then pray and expect God to jump and answer our prayers. We don’t have to be perfect ~ that is impossible as long as we are here on earth in these bodies, but we are called to strive to be godly men and women. We can’t allow the world to set our standards, we must set our standards and behaviors on the Word of God. We are called to be holy because He is holy!

God is a God of abundance and His goal is to provide for you!  God loves you and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can think or ask.  Once again I will clarify that I am not talking about prosperity thinking here.  I think we are so worried about “Prosperity thinking” that sometimes we limit our faith because we don’t want to be accused of that!  I have told this story before but I know there are some of you who are new and haven’t heard it: when my son was about 18 months old or so my husband was in Bible school.  We had a pretty steady diet of Mac & Cheese and we came home from church one Sunday night and I told my husband I just couldn’t eat Mac & Cheese but we had nothing else in the cupboard.  I told him I wanted Pizza and we needed to pray for it so we sat down at the table and I prayed and then told my son that we needed to hurry and get his bath because after the pizza came he would need to be ready for bed.  After his bath, we went to the window and I asked him if he saw anyone with pizza – we didn’t.  A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and it was my sister and her husband.  We sat and visited for a little bit and then she said, “you all may think we are strange but we were going to cook this frozen pizza and eat it but we thought we should bring it over here and share it with you!”  I wanted to cry – that’s the first time I ever thought about crying over frozen pizza, but we shared the story with them and I have to admit it was the best-frozen pizza I have ever had!   

I shared that story to say this; God cares about the details of what you need and want!  God loves you and He wants to be obvious in your life, not just to you but to others as well.  Don’t believe satan’s lies when he tries to tell you otherwise.  If you are lacking in faith today then ask God for more faith and believe His promises.  If God has said it He will do it!

Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” ~ Adrian Rogers