Comments on: Don’t Underestimate Where You Are Empowering Women for Everyday Life Wed, 02 Jan 2019 05:33:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janet Sat, 16 Dec 2017 22:26:53 +0000 In reply to Robin Green.

Praise God!!! Thank you for sharing!!

By: Robin Green Sat, 16 Dec 2017 15:11:49 +0000 I just want to give Praise and glory to my Heavenly Father for saving my husband! He all of the sudden had a massive heart attack and went into full cardiac arrest. While waiting on rescue we called our Pastor, the prayer chain, ladies bible study was in session and began praying for him. It took 16 minutes for rescue to arrive (we live out in country), just as rescue walked up my husband went into full cardiac arrest. They immediately began CPR and other life saving measures. He was without a pulse and heartbeat for 6 minutes. While EMT were working to save him and watching my husband turn blue my daughter and I were calling out to God our Father. After they worked on my husband 32 mins to revive him they were finally able to transport, a 25 minutes transport. He had 100% percent blockage of Left anterior descending coronary artery aka Widow Maker and had less than a 4 percent chance of survival and the Paramedics Team have never seen anyone with this type of heart attack survive.
Doctors and all Medical personal agree he’s a walking miracle and We Owe it all to JESUS!!
Just wanted to give a Praise Report and tell of this wonderful Miracle that God still answers prayers and performs miracles πŸ™πŸ»
