Don’t Worry About Tomorrow!

by | Dec 5, 2024

Matthew 6:30-34,  “If this is how God clothes the grass in the field ~ which is here today and gone tomorrow, thrown in an oven ~ won’t He much more clothe you?  What little trust you have!  So don’t be anxious, asking, ‘What will we eat?’, ‘What will we drink?’ Or ‘How will we be clothed?’  For it is the pagans who set their hearts on all these things.  Your heavenly Father knows you need them all.  But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Don’t worry about tomorrow ~ tomorrow will worry about itself!  Today has enough troubles already!”

Who or what are you “seeking” today?  As you look over your list of things to do today what is or was, your priority?  Was there time for God ~ not your “fast food type prayer” of “Okay God, I need this and please help with this and fix this person and don’t forget I need to buy this and I need….gotta run ~ talk to you later…”!  No, did you spend time with Him?  Did you take the time to ask Him what is on His heart and what His dreams are for your life?

It’s easy to get caught up in the struggles of the day or in all you feel you need to accomplish, but if you aren’t including God in your plans you are doing it alone!  I think too often we seem to think if we work harder or do more (there are times for those things, don’t get me wrong) we can make it, but our answers are found in Seeking His face and His direction if we want His best!  If you want to tell Him, “Sit over there a second, or hold this a second while I work hard and do this on my own, I don’t really have time to fit you in today, but I will once I accomplish this”, then you can expect to only get the benefits of what you can do on your own.  The Bible tells us to “Seek First the Kingdom of God ~ Seek Him and His righteousness and then you will have those things” ~ how much easier does that sound?  You don’t have to figure it out yourself ~ He has a plan just like it says in Jeremiah 29:11-13.  If you aren’t careful and you try doing it all and you leave Him out you could end up losing more than you will gain!  

The Bible tells us in Joshua 1:8, “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  So are you trusting in Him and spending quality time with Him or are you trusting in someone or something else?  He alone is our answer! He alone will bring about success, but if you won’t take time for Him now you won’t take time for Him on the other side.  Seek Him with all your heart!  Spend time in His Word!  If you have never really read the Bible I would suggest starting with the Book of John or read Psalms, but start somewhere.  I will also be putting my 90 Day Devotional, “The Greatest of These” in my store on my website today or you can order it on Amazon, but the key is to start somewhere!  God loves you more than words can say and He wants a relationship with you!  He wants to walk with you every single day of your life!  He will be there when you are down and when you celebrate, but you must seek Him ~ First!  Start now by spending some time with Him and asking Him to show you what His dreams are for your life!  Teach your children ~ Christmas is a great time to be able to teach your kids and grandkids about Jesus!  As it says in the verses above in Matthew 6 ~ seek Him first and Then you can know that His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “Many are the  plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”  ~ Proverbs 19:21


  1. Natalia

    Thanks, amazingly I was journaling today after a hard day with my 9 year old boy at Hospital and God brought a scripture to my head and also the urge to come and check this website, and Voila! This was the scripture!!! Seek him first! I felt God said to me: Nourish your mind with my word everyday, in the same way you nourish your body! I’m otherwise your mind will end up “malnourished “.

    • Janet Scott

      Wow! Thank you for sharing that amazing testimony! God is so good! Is your son doing better? Please feel free to email me with anything I can pray for you all for! Have a blessed day! ~ Janet