John 17:20-21 I do not ask for those only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
Don’t be jealous of someone else’s call of God or jealous of what God is doing in or through someone else! Focus on your relationship with Him and the gifts He has given you to use! God is a jealous god and we tend to be jealous people, but we need to be careful of what we are jealous of!
God has a purpose and plan for your life and He wants you to excel in it! It is not your concern what he is doing with someone else other than for you to pray for God to do mighty things in and through them! When you are focused on what He is doing elsewhere you are taking your focus off what He is doing in and through you! Just focus on being all He created you to be, there’s no room for jealousy when you are serving God! We are to focus on our own call and to support and pray for each other so we can all come together as one! Don’t allow bitterness to take root in you because of what someone else is doing for God! Get excited about it!
If we would just stop the nonsense and come together as one, just like Jesus says over and over in His prayer in chapter 17, more people would come to know Him! Our ultimate goal in life should be for people to come to God through all of us, not just one. If someone is reaching out and serving God with the talents He has given them, rejoice! Get excited about seeing the cause of Christ furthered through them and ask God what He has for you to do! How else can you serve Him? What else does He have planned for you? Don’t miss out on all He is calling you to by either worrying about others, or by taking on every single thing that comes your way until you aren’t doing anything well. Stop for a minute and take a breath……. ask God to show you His plan. Put your “yes Lord” on the table and focus on what He is calling you to and let others do the same. When we all work together, doing our own thing, not worrying about what others are doing, other than to pray for them, we are truly more effective and are more likely to come together as one. If we act like toddlers, fussing about what someone else gets to do instead of us we are not pleasing to God and we certainly aren’t one!
So, figure out what God is giving you to do and be the best at it that you can be! Don’t try doing what He is calling others to and don’t allow satan to minimize your call! What God is calling you to, is as important as anything else He calls someone else to do because He planned it just for you! Trust His plan, knowing that the best is yet to come.
Quote: “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
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