Luke 18:8b, …..However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”
If you take your eyes off God for one moment these days it would be so easy to lose all hope. It would appear that things have gotten crazy fast, but I can assure you that this craziness is just being revealed, it’s all been growing for quite some time. It is so sad. People are so lost and they need Jesus. Now is not the time for Christians to bury their heads in the sand or lose hope, it is a time to lift your eyes up to Him and focus on Him like never before. Hold on to your faith and hope in Him! Stand confident and strong in who your God is!
It is time for Christians to rise up in faith. We have the answers for a world that needs the hope that can only be found in Jesus. We need to shine His light on the world around us. Don’t join in the craziness, cling to the Word of God. Separate yourself from ungodliness. Don’t allow fear to consume you. 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Focus on Him. He is the God who sees, the God who heals, He is our salvation.
“Will He find faith on the earth?” Determine that “yes, He will!” He will find it in you! He will see your faith and confidence in who He is and your faith will stand as you call out to Him day and night in this crazy world. Trust Him, He is still on His throne. Let’s determine to finish strong and live lives that honor Him and are a light to all those around us that need Him! He is a mighty God and He has called us to discern the times and to put all of our faith and hope in Him knowing that truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “We may not be able to do any great thing, but if each of us will do something, however small it may be, a good deal will be accomplished.” ~ D. L. Moody