Encouraging Ourselves & Each Other…

by | Jan 29, 2025

Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Let’s face it, the majority of us are our own worst critics and we are usually harder on ourselves than we should be so instead of tearing ourselves or other people down or gossiping we need to be building each other up and encouraging each other! It is exasperating to be around someone who is negative or angry all of the time and unfortunately, we have all had our days of being that person!  It takes work sometimes to be positive instead of doom and gloom.  It takes focus and being intentional in what thoughts you dwell on!  Trust me, things in life do not get better when you are running around trying to find every detail that you can be negative about! I am not saying that if you just think positively that everything will just automatically fall into place, I am saying that your attitude will make a huge difference in your day and everyone else around you.  If you are struggling then ask God to create a clean heart and right attitude in you and He will.  

It doesn’t take that much to encourage each other to be all we can be for God!  Just think of how much more we could all accomplish for Him if we spent more time encouraging each other in it!  One of the best ways to do that too is to encourage each other to be involved in church.  No, it doesn’t always feel convenient when you have had a crazy busy week, but we all tend to do what is important to us, and going to church and being involved needs to be something we need to put at the top of our list of priorities!  You need that fellowship with other people who believe!  If you are struggling to get back into the habit, I would encourage you to just make yourself get up and go!  You will be glad you did!  If you know someone who is struggling take the time to reach out to them to encourage them to come back!  We are called to worship God and not neglect getting together to fellowship and be an encouragement to each other!  It is for our own good.

So, take some time today and ask yourself whether or not you have been a bit negative lately.  Has it served you well to be?  Has it served those around you well?  Ask God today to help you rise above whatever is causing it.   Choose to think on good things, choose to be uplifting, and choose to focus on God and His power in your situation!  Let’s all find someone today that we can somehow encourage! Take a moment and call or message someone you know could just use a bit of encouragement.  When negative thoughts start to cross your mind, stop them and turn them around to something that is positive, and see how that will change your attitude and your day!  Praise and worship music is always helpful.  Remind yourself of who your God is and that whatever has you down He is working on it!  Spend some extra time in His Word.  Our time is short here on earth so let’s determine to make the most of it and to be our best for Him so others will see and want to know Him!