Luke 10:38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.
We don’t know if Martha and Mary had known Jesus since they were little kids, but they are quite obviously friends. Mary, Martha and Lazarus loved Jesus and He loved them and they looked forward to their time with Him. Even the fact that Martha felt free to complain to Him about Mary just sitting on her bum while she was doing all the work seems to indicate that they had known each other for some time. I can hardly imagine what it would have been like to look out of my house and see Him coming down the road, the excitement felt and the anticipation of being able to sit and eat with Him and listen to Him teach and to know finally I get to spend some more time with my best friend! How amazing!
We don’t get to experience Jesus the way they did back then, but we do get to experience Him in a very intimate, personal way when we accept Him as our Savior. He is with us all the time! No, we can’t see Him or experience a hug directly from Him, but He is always with us, we don’t have to wait for Him to come to town. We don’t have to hope He sees us. You are never alone! He is always right by your side! He wants to be your best friend and brother!
How often do you think you miss seeing Him? If you look and you pay attention, you will see Him: I got up this morning and the sky was beautiful with pinks and reds and blue with some white tufts of clouds, I love sunrises and sunsets! They just make my day! I see God’s artistry all over a beautiful sky and I take it personally. How about that unexpected check in the mail or at work or maybe from a friend? How about safety on these crazy roads? How about a friend comforting you when you are grieving? What about when you are sitting alone having quiet time, reading your Bible and all of a sudden a verse just jumps out at you that is just what you need? How about that song that came on the radio at just the right time? Look for Him, don’t miss Him in the crowd of circumstances and the business of every day life! Take the time to notice Him along the way, invite Him into your home to be a part of all you do! That may sound silly to some of you, but how often is He missed in our homes because we are too busy to include Him?
God loves you, He cares and He is right by your side! You are never alone! Look for Him today!
Quote: “All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” Helen Keller