Follow Even When You Don’t Understand

by | Oct 3, 2024

Proverbs 20:24,  “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord.  How then can anyone understand their own way?”

If you are following the Lord and you are allowing Him to guide you in all that you do then trust me, there are going to be many times when you wonder, “What on earth?”.  There is just no way we can possibly understand the mind and heart of God, but the one thing we always need to keep in mind is His character and His love for us and everyone else in the world.  

There are times in life when you may take a job and then wonder why you are doing what you are doing and why are you working with the people you are working with, but there’s a reason for everything.  Maybe you love your job and you are feeling God call you away to something else and you just can’t understand why He would want you to do that when humanly speaking, it just doesn’t make sense to do that.  Trust Him!  If you will allow Him to lead you even when it doesn’t make any sense in the natural, you will find that one day you will look back and it will all make sense.  God has a plan and one of the greatest parts of that plan is His desire to walk with you through life.  He wants you to pursue Him and know Him.  He loves you!  I know I use Jeremiah 29:11-13 a lot, but when you really start to understand that He has a plan and that plan includes you and even when that plan doesn’t make sense to you at the moment while storms are raging all around you in life, you can know that if your seek Him with your whole heart and cling to His promises, and trust Him, He will guide you into all He created you for.  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your  heart.”  Even when you don’t understand, you can trust that He sees, He knows, and if you are following Him He will fulfill the promises He has made to you.  He will provide!

Another thing to consider in this verse too is that, if God has a plan all set and you choose to go your own way and do your own thing, just how do you think that is going to turn out?  God knows what is best.   You don’t have to hope that you are doing the right thing if you follow Him, you can know that you are, even when struggles come and things don’t seem to be working out right, at least not in your timing, you can know that He’s got this and He will guide you through.  Part of having faith is knowing that you are following Him ~ I am not sure how you can have faith that God will do the right thing if you are doing your own.  That would be like trying to teach a toddler how to tie their shoes and they decide that 2 laces would be too much to manage in tying them so they are only going to use one.  That wouldn’t quite work right, would it?  And then how would you feel or what would you say if they got mad at you because their shoes wouldn’t stay tied?  Hmmm….  Have you ever done that to God?  

If today you aren’t sure whose path you are on ~ yours or God’s, ask Him to show you.  Just because things don’t look right doesn’t necessarily mean you missed it and on the other side of that, just because things look good doesn’t mean that you are doing what you should.  I am not trying to discourage you with that, I am trying to encourage you that God has a plan for you!  You don’t have to figure everything out on your own when you follow Him, He will show you.  Put your “yes” on the table and ask Him to guide you in all that you do.  Ask Him for a hunger to know Him more.  If you know you are following Him and you are frustrated with where things are ask Him what you can learn from this to help you grow and move forward.  This too shall pass and as you look back over it all you will see how He has orchestrated it all to move you forward into more that He is calling you to. 


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