Psalm90:2, Before the mountains were brought forth, Or ever You had formed the earth and the world, Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
As I sit here with my Bible, laptop, and coffee looking out the window at the back yard I am in awe of what a gorgeous day it is outside already. The sun is shining and I can hear the birds and I thought, “to just look at this and listen to the birds you would never know that the world has flipped upside down and crazy lately.” The hate and anger are out of control on every level and people need to get a grip! But the first thing they need to know is that God loves them and He is still on His throne. He loves you and He wants you to draw closer to Him! He doesn’t want you sitting in front of the tv absorbing all of the news (I’m not saying you shouldn’t know what is going on, but there’s a limit to how much time you should allow yourself to be consumed by it.). What is consuming you today? Are you focused on God or the chaos around you? It’s time to focus on Him!
Right now if you spend too much time on social media or watching the news you can get so caught up in the chaos and anger that you lose sight of Who you serve! The world has gone crazy but that doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. Instead of getting consumed with what the world is trying to tell you dig into the word of God and allow God to fill you with His wisdom, peace, and love! The only way the world will change is if we who know the love of God become filled with His love and presence so it overflows to those around us. We can only be the difference as we draw closer to Him. The only way things will change on social media is if we start posting something different than the current chaos. Start sharing God’s love. Be the positive change without all of the hate and anger. Ask God to guide you! Get consumed with Him!
Remember Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” He hasn’t changed and He hasn’t gone anywhere and He loves you and He wants you to follow Him. He still has a plan for your life until you no longer reside on this earth, so get your focus back and get moving on it! (Jeremiah 29:11-13). What if the Lord were to come today? What would you want Him to find you doing and focused on? What if you took today and determined to start a new schedule and you make sure that you schedule time into every day this week to spend time alone with Him in His Word and in Prayer. God is still waiting for you just like He was before all of this craziness started. Draw close to Him and learn how to be His hands and feet in this lost world. Allow Him to love through you!
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” ~ Adrian Rogers
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