Romans 8:35 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
How often when you are going through really tough times in your life do you feel as though you are on your own? I know I have had times when I have felt as though my heart couldn’t take any more and somehow it seemed like God had gone on vacation because I couldn’t seem to grasp His presence. I felt that when I was needing Him most He seemed distant even though I knew that everything in scripture told me that wasn’t the case.
When you are struggling and the battle is overwhelming remember this: It isn’t that God isn’t near, He is closer than you can imagine it is that your mind can be so consumed with the stress and worry the situation has brought on to the point that you are no longer capable of sensing the quiet presence of God as He holds you, works in you and is keeping track of your every tear. God would never leave you during your struggles in life, His desire is for your good. There are times in each of our lives when God has to allow things in our lives because He knows that in the long run we will grow and benefit from it and we will be better equipped to serve Him and it will prepare us better for life down the road. The benefits you will receive in the long run will far outweigh the days of adjusting even though you can’t see that right now.
Whatever you may be facing right now I would encourage you to trust that God is there and He does have a great future and Hope for your life! Don’t give up and don’t believe Satan’s lies telling you that God isn’t there or that He somehow doesn’t care. He cares more than you could possibly imagine and He will carry you through this if you allow Him to. Pray for His comfort and blessing today and know He is right there walking next to you in all that you do!
Quote: “Regardless of your lot in life you can build something beautiful on it.” Zig Ziglar