God of the Impossible

by | Jan 22, 2025

Ezra 5:17 Now if it pleases the king, let a search be made in the royal archives of Babylon to see if King Cyrus did in fact issue a decree to rebuild this house of God in Jerusalem.  Then let the king send us his decision in this matter.

That was the end of the letter Tattenai had written to King Darius.  He was the governor of the area where some of the Jews were rebuilding the temple.  He had gone to them and asked them who gave them permission to rebuild and they told him that King Cyrus of Babylon had. So he wrote the letter to King Darius to see if that was true and how he wanted him to handle it.  When a search was made in the archives they found the decree from Cyrus, so King Darius told him that they were not only to allow them to build but they were to follow the order of the decree and pay for everything they needed.

That my friend is God!  The Jews were their captives from when Nebuchadnezzar had taken them along with all of the treasures of the Temple.  Only God can move like that!  Our God is the God of the impossible!  He is the God who can move those mountains and people that have come against you and He can make a way where there seems to be no way!  What are you facing today that you just feel like you just can’t go on?  Is there just so much coming against you that you can barely see straight?  Hold on!  Snuggle up as close to Him as you can get!  Spend time in prayer!  Spend time in His word!  Take charge of your thoughts!  You don’t have to be a victim, you can be a warrior for His kingdom!  It is God’s desire to use you and your life!  Is your “Yes” on the table or are there things you are allowing to get in the way?  I would like to encourage you to clear that table and put your “Yes” out there!

Life can overwhelm you, but that is when you have to dig deep and hold on to Him!  It is during our biggest storms and struggles in life that we grow if we allow Him to move and work in us!  Don’t hold anything back.  Ask Him what you can learn today!  Ask Him to show you His dreams and plans for your life!  Focus on Him!  Focus on His call on your life! Whatever it is, pursue it with all your heart!  Give all of your weariness of it all to Him!  Leave all of those insurmountable obstacles to Him!  Ask Him to lead, guide, protect, and comfort you through the good and the bad that you face!  Trust Him!  He is your answer and His best is yet to come!