God wants to Jumpstart Your Morning

by | Jun 5, 2012

Psalm 30:11-12    You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!

God will heal your wounded heart and He will bring victory into your life so you can get excited about life again.  David had really seen it all in his lifetime and had incredible heartache as well and yet he is acknowledging in these verses that God had stepped in and turned his mourning into dancing.  That is not just a heart that has been healed that is a heart that is rejoicing with all of the joy it could possibly have had before heartache came to reside.

Are you ready for healing?  That may sound like a strange question but sometimes we get so comfortable with our pain that it becomes “who we are”.  Ouch!  If we are released from that pain or struggle in our lives then what?  I have seen people that really don’t want healing even from physical ailments because it is how they get attention.  Sometimes we can become addicted to just complaining to God about everything until we can’t even enjoy a day if we aren’t complaining about something if not to God then to someone else.

God wants victory in your life on every level and He wants you to live a life of joy!  Why would anyone want what you have if you are nothing but an Eeyore walking through life moping and complaining?  God has so much more for you than that!  If you know someone like that please encourage them today to allow God to work in their lives so they can enjoy all that He has in store for them.

Start today and restart your day by praising God for who He is and what He is about to do in your life!  God will bring you to a new level of life if you will allow Him to.  I know how tempting it can be to start right out by explaining to God all the wrongs you felt have been done in the last 48 hours of your life and how you would like Him to fix everyone and everything, but if that is really true then ask Him to give you a day of joy and victory and then live in it!  Ask Him to show you today what is right in your life and the people around you and give you the ability to focus on that and to live in joy and peace letting go of the negative.  God loves you and truly has the best in store for you but you have to let go of the rest in order to see it.

Quote:    “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson