Gratitude and Growing In Your Faith

by | Sep 25, 2020

1 Chronicles 16:34. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever!

What are you thankful for today?  Or, maybe I should be asking; are you thankful today for something or are you focused on what you wish you had or what you wish would happen.  We really need to choose everyday to be more thankful for all God has done and all He has given us!  God is so good and when we are thankful for those things it increases our faith!  Have you ever noticed that when you praise God your problems seem to fade and your faith and hope are increased?  It is in praise that you will find your strength and your answer, because your answers can only be found in Him.    

I know that after being in Africa, I am thankful for a bathroom and clean water!  Take a look around today though and really stop and thank God for what He has done for you.  We spend so much time praying for what we need or want that we seem to forget to spend the time we should just being grateful. Taking the time to be grateful to God for all He has done will increase your faith!

If you focus on what you don’t have you will never be happy!  Focus today on what you do have, take the time to focus on all that God has done, not on what you are waiting on.  The next time you feel that urge to look down on someone else that doesn’t have much compared to you, humble yourself and thank God for what all He has done for you and pray for blessing on that other person.

I would encourage you to go beyond just being thankful for material things and even health but look at the mercy and grace God has shown you over the years.  Take some time to reflect on the price He paid for your sins so you could be free to move forward in life, take the time to think about His grace that has carried you through tough times, take the time to think about the people He has put in your life over the years that have helped, really take the time to think on all He has done and thank Him for it today!

Let’s take today and be thankful for all that God has done for us, let’s just for today set aside what we are frustrated over and think on all that is good in our lives.  Thank God for His grace, mercy, and love and focus on what a powerful, awesome, and gracious God He is!  

Quote: “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” ~ unknown