He Holds The Timing In His Hands…

by | Jun 25, 2024

Luke 12: 25-26, “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”

Somehow when I think about the concept of being able to add an hour to a life it doesn’t seem to be a “little thing” humanly speaking and that is exactly what Jesus was trying to get across.  There is absolutely nothing that is difficult for God! He and His power are just so far beyond our comprehension we end up worrying and fretting over things instead of taking them to Him with the confidence that it’s all small stuff in His hands.

So, what are you faced with today?  A new job or maybe a new move or maybe an illness?  Whatever it is, if you have done what God has shown you to do then it’s His turn so allow Him to work and trust Him with it.  God is faithful and He always keeps His Word.  I know how frustrating it can be to be waiting on something you need, but He will work out what is best and His timing is always the best timing possible!  Trust Him! Spend time alone with Him.  If you are faced with the challenge of a full house and time, I hate to tell you this but you may need to get up earlier than the rest of the house.  I used to use that excuse or the fact that my day would get away from me and I heard a speaker say, “It doesn’t matter how early you need to get up, don’t miss out on your time alone with God!”  At that point, we had a lot of family living in our house so I had to start getting up at 5:30-6 AM in order to have that time, but it was worth it and it made all the difference in the world in my day and now it doesn’t seem as big of a deal to get up that early or even earlier! It’s more of a big deal to my day if I miss it!

Remind yourself of all of the things God has done in the past, whether for you or in someone else’s life.  God didn’t call you to do something and then just decided to drop you off and tell you, “sink or swim!”  He loves you and He has a plan!  It doesn’t matter how old your young you are, He still has a plan!  Sometimes He waits until you are older because it’s going to take every bit of that life experience of yours, both good and bad, to do all that He is calling you into.  It’s all small stuff to Him so equipping you to do all that He created you to do is already in place.  Ask Him today what His dreams are for your life.  Don’t fret if it isn’t all happening in your timing!  He knows what is best.  Seek His face in all that you do!  Trust Him that truly His best is yet to come when you are walking by His side!