He Is Faithful…

by | Sep 22, 2022

1 Corinthians 1:9  God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

God is faithful!  Allow that truth to just sink in for a minute!  He is faithful!  He is just!  He loves you and He has a plan for your life!  He is faithful!

When we fully absorb the fact, that God is faithful it gives us hope and builds our faith!  We all know that faith is not just believing that God can, it is believing that He will do what He promises.  Life can be overwhelming at times, but God is faithful and He will see you through whatever it may throw at you!  There are seasons in life that He allows because He knows what it will take to grow you into all He created you to be!  I have been through some seasons that have totally rocked my world and He has always been there!  I have had times when I have had to remind myself that I can’t base His presence on my feelings, I have to trust Him and know that He has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you!”

What is it you need today?  Talk to Him!  Give Him those heartaches and struggles and challenges that you are struggling with and ask Him to hold you, walk with you, guide you, and fill you with His presence.  His comfort comes from your trust!  If you don’t trust Him then clearly you will not experience His peace in the middle of your storm!  He loves you!  He is trustworthy!  He has a plan and it is for your good, but you must trust Him with the details of getting there.  His goal is to mold you into all He created you to be!

If you are enjoying a mountaintop season, that is fantastic.  Take this time to grow in Him!  Spend more time in His Word!  Spend time teaching others about Him!  Look for ways to serve Him and to be His hands and feet to those around you!  Don’t wait for the storms of life to come to cling to Him!

God is faithful!  Remind yourself of that all throughout your day!  If satan tries to throw doubts at you just tell him, “nope, not today satan, my God is faithful!”  Write down His promises and carry them with you and as you read them keep saying, and God is faithful!  Trust Him knowing that His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson