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Job 23:10-11
“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold. My foot has held fast to his steps; I have kept his way and have not turned aside.”
When you feel as though you are going through the valley of life and you are running out of hope that anything will ever change, hold fast to His steps! Keep His way and don’t turn from Him and your answers and blessing will come!
I know there are times for all of us when we are going through a trial or struggle that we begin to lose hope that it will ever end. Job had no idea when all that he was going through would stop. I know I have had times in life where I have grasped at whatever I could find in order to find some hope, I begged God to just give me something, anything to get me through another day. We all need something to hold on to when it feels as though God is silent and there don’t seem to be any answers or any end to our heartache and struggle.
If you are facing some sort of trial or struggle in your life today remember and take comfort in this: when you have fully committed your way to God you can know that trials in your life are not there to hurt you but are there for your benefit. This trial is also not going to last forever, even though it may seem like it is today, remember…….. “and it came to pass” it didn’t come to stay, it came to pass!
God is forever working on us to refine us and to make us more like Him so we can be all He created us to be. You will make it! God will see you through but you must commit your walk to Him! Follow Him in all that you do, don’t turn to anything or anyone else! Commit everything to Him and trust Him to do what is best! He knows the way that you take and your tears have not escaped His notice! He loves you! You can take comfort and find your hope today in trusting Him, that He’s got this and the best is yet to come!
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it is that quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”