He Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself

by | Feb 17, 2025

Psalm 139:13 -16, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me when as yet there were none of them.”

Even though we all know that God knows everything, nothing escapes His notice and He also knows every detail of what will happen in the future.  Absolutely nothing takes God by surprise!  That makes some people irritated because they wonder why God doesn’t stop all of the bad things in life, but that would mean that there would be no free will to make choices in life. We would be more like robots. God gave us free will to choose Him or not to choose Him. There is no love when there is no choice. Since there are people in the world who don’t choose Him and since none of us are perfect and we make mistakes life is a struggle at times, to say the least. 

God created every one of us for His glory.  He, as it says in verse 16 had already written out all of your days in His book.  He sees you, He has known you and has seen you since before you were born and He has a plan for your life.  It is your choice to seek Him and pursue His plan or not and let’s face it, we all make mistakes at times and mess things up, but God is faithful and He promises that He will use all of that for His glory if we just give it all to Him and seek Him!  Don’t let anyone discount your story.  No matter how great or how awful your life has been we serve a mighty God and He has a plan that is bigger than us!  Bigger than what we can comprehend!  Don’t let anyone tell you that your story is too much or too little for God to use! I have found myself asking God, “So….. which storm or battle in my life do you want to use?”  I kept hearing “All of it!”  I don’t know how, when, or where, but He is the author and finisher of our faith so if He has allowed something in your life and if you are open to being used by God He will show you what He will use to glorify Him! Don’t put limits on God and what He can do in and through your life and by all means don’t allow anyone else to either! He may use a part here to help this person and part there to help someone else or He may use it all to blow people away so they will say, “What a mighty God we serve that could bring them through all of that and just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego they don’t smell like smoke even though they have been through the fire!  He is the author!  No one else can determine how God wants to use you and your story for His Glory!  You just follow Him and keep your “Yes” on that table and allow Him to work!

The world gets crazier by the day and we need to live lives that honor God.  Be the light!  Ask Him how you can serve Him!  Ask Him today what His dreams are for your life!  There are lost people out there who need your testimony to help draw them to God!  It matters!  You matter and your story matters!  No one is more important than you are to Him, He wrote out your story just like He did everyone else’s and He wants to lead you into all He has planned.  Seek Him and His direction for your life ~ this is not something to blow off or take lightly!  He wants to use you to help those around you to see that they can have His best in their lives too if they will give their hearts and lives to Him!!