He Sees It All ~ Trust Him

by | Mar 15, 2025

Genesis 16:13-14,  She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her:  “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”  That is why the well was called Beer Lahai Roy (“well of the one who lives and sees”); it is still there, between Kadesh and Bered.

Amidst the chaos, hostility, and craziness going on in the world today, God sees you!  He has heard your cries and He is working on it.  Not one tear you have shed has escaped His notice!  Even though the whole world is upside down and backward, He still sees and cares.  He has not forgotten you.  He is not too busy for you!  Let go of the thoughts that humanize Him and remember who He is!  Nothing is too difficult for Him!

Satan would love to make you feel as though you are insignificant compared to what is going on around you and in the world but that is simply not true.  You will never find a verse in the Bible that says, “God is too busy…”. Instead, you will find all of the reassurance you need because nothing is too difficult for Him and He is a faithful loving God who will bring justice, and answers.  He sees and He knows the truth ~ trust Him!  He loves you and leave it to Him to fight for you!  Don’t try facing anything alone!  Walk close by His side.  Seek Him and His truth and wisdom for every situation, He has promised to guide you if you will just follow Him.

Don’t allow discouragement to overwhelm you today!  Take some time and read some of the Psalms.  I love how David would pour his heart out to God in his anguish and praise God all in one breath!  Don’t forget to praise Him and thank Him as you pour your heart out.  Your praise will stir up your faith.  Cling to Him and His Word!  Trust His faithfulness for whatever you may be facing today.  Give that broken heart to Him and allow Him to heal it!  If you need a miracle then pray and ask in faith believing He sees and He will always do what is best.  If you lack in faith ask Him to fill you with His faith and trust Him with it all!


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