He Wants All of You ~ Don’t Hold Anything Back!!

by | Nov 26, 2022

Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

It’s like the Marine Corps motto; “Looking for a few good men”, God is looking for good men and women with hearts to follow Him.  A few verses before this one God talks about how terrible it is that some people decide to put their trust in men instead of relying on God.  He wants our trust and he wants our hearts and minds!  If we would just fully give Him our hearts and minds every day when we get out of bed to allow Him to have full rule and reign in our thoughts and actions we would go so much further for Him!  God is your provider and He wants you to look to Him and trust Him.  When it doesn’t come as quickly as you feel it should you need to just wait trusting that His timing is always best

Notice this verse says, every man (or woman), God watches all!  He is not just sitting up there passively not caring about what is going on in your life.  There is a reason the Bible declares we will answer for every idle word and action and it isn’t just to judge you it is for the benefit of others as well.  God pays attention to every detail of your life, He knows when you are hurting, frustrated, happy, angry, etc., and He is looking for ways to guide you and bless you.  He wants your life to reflect a life that is filled with Him.  When you are driven to be more like Him, it draws others to Him.  In a world so full of hate, His love in you will draw others to Him!  He is your vindicator and provider when you fully put your trust in Him!

It is time to give it all to Him and allow Him to move in your heart and mind.  Another one of my favorite verses is Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”  We need to have that prayer on our lips every day!  Ask Him before you get out of bed in the morning and then keep your attitude in check all day, refreshing this prayer with God as needed to keep you on the right track! If you want God’s best for your life and the lives of those you love then you need to be following His direction!  Allow Him to fill you with His love and compassion for others.

Take inventory today and ask God to show you any areas you may need to work on then ask Him to cleanse your heart and give you a right spirit and the strength to do what is right.  Refresh your walk with God today and live your life to the fullest, day by day in a way that is pleasing to Him.  Today is a new day, so make the best of it for Him.  

Quote: “Your past is important because it brought you to where you are, but as important as your past is, it is not nearly as important as the way you see your future.”  Dr. Tony Campolo