He Wants To Show You Something New ~ Do You Have a Minute?

by | Nov 16, 2021

Psalm 119:18,  “Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law.”  

No matter how many times you read God’s Word there’s more to learn!  When I read my Bible I try to not allow my mind to just glaze over reading something that is so familiar.  I try to read it with fresh eyes, asking God to show me things I haven’t noticed before.  We will never fully know the depth of what all is in it.  I heard it described the other day “like the ocean ~ so deep we will never explore it all and yet shallow enough a small child can wade in it!”  

God wants to show you more!  He wants to reveal His plan for your life.  He wants to fill you with hope and His love beyond measure.  He wants to heal your broken heart and He wants to grow your faith to the point of moving mountains.  He is the one and only God and He sees you!  He calls you by name and He is calling you to walk with Him every day, not just when struggles or tragedy come!  Oh, how much we miss when we only go to Him when there’s a problem!  He does things every day to reveal Himself to us, don’t miss out by getting so caught up in everything else in your life that you don’t have time for Him.  

There’s so much going on in the world today and if you get too caught up in it you may find yourself living in terrible fear or hopelessness.  Don’t get caught in satan’s trap.  God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, put all of your faith and hope in Him!  Ask Him to bring the right people into your life along with allowing Him to guide you into what all you should maybe remove or add to your life.  We find it so easy to binge watch a tv series and yet find it difficult to sit and read God’s Words.  Here we have the Words of God Himself, giving us direction and examples of His faithfulness and yet the majority of Christians never open it ~ how sad, and how much they miss.  As you choose your Christmas gifts this year think about who on your list could maybe use a good devotional or new Bible to encourage them to dig in as we get ready to begin a new year.  Encourage those around you and your children to not miss out on spending time with God Himself in His Word and in prayer.  He wants to show each and everyone of us deeper things than we have seen before from His Word.  Don’t miss out! That is where you will find that His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.  The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a word that no longer exists.” ~ Eric Hoffer (Now, while Eric here, may have been talking about learning about what the world is changing, I would encourage you to learn what God has to say about the changes that are happening and what He has in store for the world and what His plan is for you!)