He Will Be Right On Time ~ His Time!

by | Jan 23, 2025

Joshua 4:14, “On that day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they feared him, as they had feared Moses, all the days of his life.”

Joshua had been Moses’ assistant for years.  I am sure he was in absolute awe as he watched God work through Moses to lead Israel and now God was calling him to lead the people.  Those were some big shoes to fill, in fact, the Bible tells us there hasn’t been anyone like him before or since so Joshua was in a tough spot as the “assistant turned leader” of the people.  He had seen God do great things through Moses but had never personally experienced that happening through him.

God is faithful!  He is always on time, not our time, but His time because only He knows the right time and sees the whole picture!  He promises to give us all we need to accomplish all He created us to be so when the time is right, “on that day” He will do what needs to be done.  He will provide whatever you are lacking to do what He is calling you to do but you must be walking with Him.  So many people want the benefits of God in their lives but unfortunately for them, it stops there, they are missing the relationship.  In order to become who He created you to be you must grow in your relationship.  You must learn to trust when nothing makes sense and to believe that He has a plan that will bring everything together for His glory and for good.  There’s no way for us to comprehend the complexities of all that God is doing so when you wait trust that He is working, He hasn’t forgotten you.  Make sure that you just keep your “Yes” on the table and make sure you are open if He is moving you in a different direction than what you may have planned or thought.

Sometimes God allows challenges and storms in your life to help you grow stronger in your faith and trust in Him. Sometimes the wait can seem never-ending!  If you find there’s absolutely nothing you can do about what you are facing and the odds seem overwhelming then He is clearly trying to get you to focus on Him.  Don’t think your answer lies in someone or something else.  Dig in and ask Him what you may need to learn.  Ask Him to give you the strength, grace, and faith to get through so you will come out closer to Him and so others will see Him through it all.  

Our time here is very short and eternity looms before us…. Stop and just think about the comparison.  This life isn’t even a drop in the bucket but how we live it will make a difference for eternity, not only for us but for those around us!  Ask Him to “Help your unbelief” if you are struggling with your faith, and ask for the strength to get through one day at a time knowing that “on that day” the God-appointed day, He will bring to pass what He has promised.