He’s Got You ~ Focus On Him!

by | Feb 20, 2022

Psalm 94:18-19, When I said, “My foot is slipping,”  your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.  When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

When you feel as though you just can’t take one more day pray for God’s love and strength to see you through.  God promises to show up when we seek Him and He promises to give us the strength we need to face another day.  The Bible says that life on earth will not be easy, there will be struggles, but you don’t have to face them alone!  Look to Him for your answers.  Don’t look around ~ look up!  He is your refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Jeremiah 16:19, “O Lord, my strength and my stronghold, my refuge in the day of trouble”. He’s got you!

If you are dealing with a lot of anxiety these days with all that is going on in the world, then you can know that you can still be full of His peace and joy.  In order to have His peace, you must spend time with Him.  I have found that when I need His peace or a change of attitude or more faith or hope in my life I have to turn on praise and worship music.  When we praise God for who He is it builds our faith and hope and His peace just naturally floods our hearts and minds.  If you are in need of some hope today listen to “WayMaker” (You can just click on the title there).  Sometimes I will listen to the same song if necessary over and over, but choose a song that praises God, not some sad song that just fuels your pain.  Anxiety and depression will not be resolved by focusing on your situation, you must focus on Him.  He is the God who sees, the God who loves you beyond words and cares deeply for you and all that you are facing.  He is the one and only true God, so you can trust Him with it all!  

I would like to encourage you today to write out some Bible Verses on some cards that you can carry with you that encourage your heart so you can pull them out when you are struggling.  Listen to praise and worship music every chance you get and keep your eyes fixed on Him knowing that truly His best is yet to come!

Quote:  It’s in the struggle itself that you define yourself.”  ~ Pat Buchanan