He’s There…! Trust Him!

by | Dec 12, 2024

Esther 4:12-14,  Upon being told what Esther had said, Mordecai asked them to give Esther this answer:  “Don’t suppose that merely because you happen to be in the royal palace you will escape any more than the other Jews.  For if you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance wi come lot the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish.  Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.”  

If you have never read the Book of Esther I would encourage you to take the time to do it this week!  It is a short book with only ten chapters but it is packed with so many examples of God’s faithfulness even though He is never really mentioned.  It’s as though He is hidden within the entire Book and yet He is silent.  Not once do we find where it says, “And God told Esther….” Or “And God told Mordecai…” and yet even in His silence they knew He was there!

Have you ever experienced a time when God seemed to be silent and you just felt as though you weren’t hearing from Him or getting any obvious direction? You go to church and you leave feeling the same way you did when you walked in, you read your Bible, and ~ nothing… your whole life just feels dry and God is silent.  Is He mad?  Does He really care?  Did you hear Him wrong so now you’re just on your own to wander in that wilderness? Those are all of the lies that satan will try to use on you.  So, what should you do?  You Trust, Wait, Continue to Listen, Remind yourself, and Pursue!

~ Trust Him and His character ~ He is always faithful and He is always moving forward and working on His plan for your life!

~ Wait on Him and His timing and while you wait do what He has put in front of you to do.  There’s something and even if it seems small, do that.  Another great thing to do while you are waiting is to take a look around and see who you can encourage or help.

~ Listen because during this time you don’t want to miss the whisper…

~ Remind yourself of all of God’s promises and what His word says about what you are facing!

~ Pursue Him ~ God wants to be pursued by you!  He wants you to dig deep ~ over and over He has told us to seek Him.  Have you ever played “Hide and Seek”?  He wants you to pursue Him like that ~ don’t give up until you “Find Him”!  Don’t decide like Abby used to when she and Raiden were little and he wanted to play hide and seek so she would let him hide and she would go do something else for 10-15 minutes before going to find him. 😂 Seek Him with your whole heart ~ He’s there!  He hasn’t forgotten you.

That famous line, “for such a time as this”, is used a lot and the reality is ~ it should be, but you need to internalize it!  He sees you!  He calls you by your name!  He knows and cares about every detail of your life.  You are not less than whomever it is that you have put on a pedestal in your life.  We can all be guilty of that, I have often looked at other writers and speakers and have thought, “If only I could…… like she does”.  Hmmmm… God didn’t want you to be like that person on your pedestal or He would have made you like her.  Guess what she has her share of insecurities, struggles, faults, and other everyday things in her life just like everyone else.  No one is exempt from struggles in this world.  It all comes down to the question of whether or not you are putting your “Yes” on the table so God can show you all He created you to be and do and give Him your best! We are all called by God for “Such a time as this.”  We are called for His purpose and that is to draw others to Him and to bring Him glory through our lives.  You can rest assured that even if there’s silence, He is still there, He is working out His plan, He loves you and you just need to be faithful, continue to pursue Him with your whole heart, and trust Him through it all.  Our time on earth is short so let’s do all we can for Him, no pity parties because we aren’t seeing what we want to see yet, just a hot pursuit to find Him and serve Him with all our hearts!