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Matthew 21:21-22
And Jesus answered them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive, if you have faith.”
I remember when I was a little girl how amazed I was when I heard these verses in Sunday school. I went home and for weeks I was determined to move the hill in the back field behind my parents house! I was still at an age where I took everything quite literally and I was determined that I had enough faith to have that hill moved from Northern Michigan to the ocean! Well, needless to say, it didn’t happen and for years I thought maybe I was just lacking the faith to move that thing!
Sometimes, as adults I think we still look at this verse and see it the same way. If we ask and have faith then it is going to happen, we don’t stop to think about how it will affect the world around us, other people and whether or not we are operating with Matthew 6:33 in mind, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Are you seeking the will of God for your life, are you putting Him first? If we put God first and we truly seek Him and His will then our desires will line up with His and then we can have the faith that He will hear our prayers and we can have the faith to believe that all that He does in our lives and for us is for our best!
We need to be obedient and have faith that we are the children of the Most High God and He loves us and His desire is to bless us and give us His favor. He wants to show the world Who He is through you!
I don’t know what Mountain you are facing today but if you trust Him He can move it for you. I love this old song from FFH called “Lord Move or Move Me” LISTEN Back when the song first came out I had a serious situation that I needed God to move in and this song meant a lot to me. It didn’t happen overnight but when He moved, He moved me and it was amazing how all the pieces came together! God hears your prayers and He has a plan. Trust Him to do what is best. Remember, if we knew what He knows we would ask for what He is about to give us!
Don’t allow your faith to waiver today! Hold on to your hope only found in Him!
“Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.” William Arthur Ward
This is a word for me today ! My flesh says you are arrogant in thinking God will help you through this time ( I’m studying for my boards and He has brought me here) when I have the faith to know that He truly has been w me every step of the way. As my date for testing draws closer my emotions are taking over me and I am not believing why He would help AGAIN! I am grateful for this devotion today as it is spot on for my current situation! I must trust He will do what’s best for me and not have my faith waiver!