Hold On To Your Hope In Him And You Will Have Peace About Your Situation

by | May 20, 2022

Mark 5:34  And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease.”

What needs healing in your life today?  Is it your finances, your health, your walk with God, your children’s walk with God, your job – what is it?  Are you at the point of feeling as though there is no hope?  This lady had been suffering for 12 years and yet she knew that if she could just get close to Jesus she could be healed.  12 years is a long time to suffer and still have hope, but she truly believed that nothing was impossible for Him!

Life can be so frustrating at times and Satan knows just exactly when to attack and he knows exactly what tactics to use.  He watches and he is patient so when he sees you are down he knows it is time to kick you even harder so he can get you to the point of feeling as though your situation is hopeless.  Your situation is never hopeless unless you give up or you refuse to give it all to God!  I know how it feels to be in a situation where you are at the end of all you can take and you can’t see how things can work out.  I seem to have been in that position several times in my life and I know that our hope is found in Him and His character!  If God has promised He will do it!  Pull those verses out and when satan tries to throw those lies at you that he is so full of you can say, “Not today satan!  My Daddy says, ‘…………….’ And speak those verses over your situation and your life!” Hold on to your hope in Him!

Whatever it is you are facing today Jesus would like you to come to Him just like the lady who just knew “If I touch even his garments, I will be made well.”  Take any feelings of hopelessness, hurt, or frustration you may have today and know that He does care and He can and will help, pour your heart out to Him today trusting that He will move in your life and He can heal you of your illness, He can heal your finances, nothing is too difficult for Him!  In the case of this woman, Jesus didn’t even set out to help her, she believed and it was so because she knew that He was willing if she just had faith.  Trust Him today, pray that He will give you any faith you are lacking for your situation, and walk in victory today, knowing that the best is yet to come!

Quote:  “Hope never dies where faith is strong, and faith grows strong in the presence of hope.”   ~ Chad Whitmeyer