1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing
According to this verse we should always be in a mindset to talk to God. I find I pray throughout the day here and there when different people or situations cross my mind and I have found that I am very comfortable with that. It works well with my crazy busy schedule because I can pray on the run, while I shower, while I clean the house, driving Bill to the airport or children to wherever, I can even pray and vacuum at the same time. Wow, I thought I had it all covered!
I started thinking one day while that I just didn’t feel as though I have a very effective prayer life. I was really quite upset to think that I have prayed so much about everything and yet haven’t seen very impressive results. So, I decided that it was time to have a chat with God to see just exactly what was up, you would think after all these years I would be more prepared for the answer. Here is what I found; “if you want to pray “fast food prayers” and not spend quality time praying why would you expect anything other than a “quarter pounder with cheese” answer?! Wow, ok He hit me right between the eyes!
God values His time with us and when we have close relationships that mean something to us we enjoy spending quality time together. God wants to have time every day where we set aside time just for Him. Take the time to communicate and focus on Him and Him alone. To just pray on the go would be like only text messaging all day with my husband even if he was home. Our time alone with God and our focused praying is important to Him. Having a mindset to be in prayer mode throughout the day is very important to Him as well. We need to focus on Him throughout our day but we also need to balance that out by giving Him the time and focus one on one that He wants and deserves from us as well! Start today if you haven’t already and ask God how you can have a more effective prayer life. Ask Him to show you any areas that you may be neglecting your relationship with Him.
Quote: “Much of what we see depends on what we are looking for.” Phil Calloway