Luke 2:20. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
Can you just imagine the excitement? How crazy that must have seemed; one minute they are just going about their routine of taking care of the sheep and all of a sudden there are angels praising God and then they actually were able to see the Lord; the creator of all the earth who came down to earth to save us all from our sin! The joy they must have been overwhelmed with must have made it almost difficult to ever go back to life the way it was before that day!
How are you doing this Holiday season? Is this a joyous year for you? I hope it is! I just love this time of year, it is so filled with love and hope and joy! The whole world, whether they realize it or not, are celebrating the Lord’s birth!
Maybe this year you are “surviving” the holidays. I know those seasons of life where you just feel numb as you go through the motions and even with the Joy that only comes from the Lord, there is still a mountain of pain or grief or maybe health issues that are blocking your excitement. Our Joy lies deep in our hearts and can be there every day and fill our hearts with the hope that there are better days ahead, but that doesn’t mean that you are as excited as usual. Don’t beat yourself up, rest in Him! Allow Him to carry you through and to wrap His loving arms around you and give you the strength you need to enjoy this time with your family and friends. Let this Christmas fill you with Hope! Take the time to remember just exactly what it is all about! He loved you enough to come to this earth! He loves you enough to keep track of your every tear! He is the God of all and the God of Miracles! Pull out your Bible and ask Him to show you His promises for your situation and then get excited that He is on your side! The God of all Hope loves you and cares about all you have faced this year and what lies ahead! Give it to Him…….. Listen to Him!
Praise God for His love for us! Praise Him for how mighty, Holy, and loving He is! Allow yourself to really soak up who the baby is that we are celebrating knowing that the best is yet to come!
My prayer for all of you today is Psalm 115:14-15, “May the Lord give you increase, you and your children! May you be blessed by the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
Quote: “Faith believes in spite of the circumstances and acts in spite of the consequences.” Adrian Rogers