If You Are Walking With Him Then You Can Trust That Yes, He Is With You!

by | Dec 5, 2021

Exodus 17:7,  The place was named Massah (testing) and Maribah (quarreling) because of the quarreling of the people of Israel and because they tested Adonai by asking, “Is Adonai with us or not?”

Eeegghh!  Have you ever been there?  Have you ever gotten so frustrated with your situation or with waiting for your answer that you asked God ~ “Are you with me or not?”  Too often we seem to expect God to just jump when we say “jump” and that isn’t how it works.  His timing and His answers are always best and there is just no way for us to understand it, that is where trust comes in!  We need to ask and we need to trust that He will answer and we will see that answer (whatever it is) in His timing and it will always be what He knows to be best.  There are times when the waiting is the test and there are times when waiting is a sign that whatever or whomever else your answer requires isn’t ready yet.  Trust God!  I have to admit that I have been there and I have literally asked, “Are you with me, or am I on my own?”  😮 Now, it really depends on what attitude you have when you are asking that.  I am not saying we shouldn’t ask those questions because we should be asking if God is in something we are doing, it is when we ask with attitude as though we are trying to scold Him because we haven’t seen what we feel we should have seen, or He hasn’t moved as fast as we think He should.  It is the heart behind the question that matters.

God is always working and His desire is to constantly be moving us forward into serving Him on new levels.  He wants us to grow in our walk with Him and in our learning to trust Him is a huge part of that.  You cannot have faith and not trust Him with everything.  The more you get to know Him the more you will trust in His character and love for you.  God sees all that you are going through and He does care and He wants to walk with you or carry you through if need be, but it will take you seeking Him. He does not force Himself into our lives.  God created us for His glory and for relationship.  Yes, He wants a relationship with you!  He doesn’t want to be some God that is far off in your mind, He wants you to know Him, He already knows you better than you know yourself.  He knows all you are capable of better than even you know and He would like to show you His plan but you must walk with Him and trust Him.  Walking with God is more than just attending church on Sunday, it is digging in and getting to know who He is.  

Ask God to show you today more of who He is and ask Him to help you trust Him.  Life isn’t easy.  Getting impatient or angry with God is not going to make your life easier.  His peace and answers for everything you are waiting on or are facing are found in Him.  Ask Him for His strength and the confidence in Who He is to get you to the other side of anything you may be facing.  If you are walking with Him then Yes, He is with you!  If He has led you into something ~ He is with you!  If you are hurting so bad you don’t know how to survive another day ~ seek His face and see that He is with you and He wants to heal and guide you!  He loves you!  You are His precious creation!  He made you for a purpose so don’t give up!  Don’t get impatient with Him ~ He knows…!  Walk with Him, trust Him, and know that truly His best is yet to come!

Quote:  “Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.”  ~ Mac Anderson