If You Have Asked God to Forgive You – It’s Forgiven

by | Jul 4, 2012

Isaiah 1:18  “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”

Whatever you have done in your past if you have asked for forgiveness, it is settled!  In God’s mind it no longer exists, it is under the blood of Jesus and He has forgiven you and moved on.  What about you though, have you moved on or are you allowing satan to use past failures to discourage you right back into making the same mistake again because after all you’ve done it before.  Don’t allow Satan to have victory over something that you have been forgiven for and God no longer sees.

What about the other people in your life?  Is there someone who has committed a sin that was so overwhelming at some point in their life that it is hard to get passed?  Ask God to help you to leave it in the past, do NOT hold hands with Satan to tear that person down and keep them in a life of defeat over past failures!  God will help you put in behind you and will help you to see the new character of the person if you allow him to.  It is not our job to punish, sin comes with it’s own punishment.

Today is the day to start living the victorious life God has called you to! Whatever is haunting you, let it go and remember that is just not who you are today!  You are a new creation in Christ and you possess all you need to live the successful life God has in store for you!  Tell Satan to back off, he has nothing to say that you want to hear!  Take charge and move forward in your life, you deserve it!

Quote:  “Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.”  George Sheehan