Psalm 46:1-3. God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.
What beautiful verses especially when everything is going good and you are not facing too many struggles. It is easy to say that God is your strength or to try to encourage someone else with those words when you are comfortable with where your life is at the time. How do you feel about them though when you are struggling or feeling as though you are facing some of the worst times of your life? Do you live in fear and frustration? If you are struggling or fearful today, I totally understand, the world appears to have gone mad and everything is upside down and backward! What is right is considered wrong and what is wrong is considered right, people seem to have lost their minds. There are violence and hate everywhere and the ungodliness is out of control! It’s like everything just flipped upside down. If we allow it to, fear could take over our lives. These verses need to be a reminder that God is still on His throne and we can trust Him no matter what!
Trouble comes to all in one way or another, that is life. There are times when we feel as though our earth is giving way under us and we are on very shaky ground whether it is physically due to illness or injury or financially or maybe relationship issues or maybe all of the above! I have watched as people struggle around us, young couples trying to make it on one income so Mom can stay home with the kids because to pay for daycare and work would only mean someone else is raising their children. I’ve watched couples as one fights the battle with cancer. We’ve seen in our own lives a struggle beyond imagining when Bill’s book came out. We have a friend who faced financial devastation when the economy took a hit. Then he fell off a ladder and ended up in the hospital needing back surgery from the fall only for them to find cancer while they were in there. He was in the hospital for months undergoing 6 major surgeries and of course, was unable to work through it all. My niece and her husband lost their 11-year-old son that same year, he passed away in his sleep and it devastated our whole family. We pray for all of these people and our hearts break as we see the pain and the struggles and often we wonder “how do they keep going?” The only way to face any struggle you may have is to allow God to be your strength.
What mountains are you facing today? What has made your earth shake under your feet? Are you afraid of your future? Are you wondering why God has allowed all of this in your life?
God wants to be your refuge and your strength, He wants to help! He knew trouble would come and He promised to help. Don’t give up now! Hold on with all your might and everything you have within you. Ask God to give you the encouragement and strength you need to face another day! Ask Him to show you the way, choose to follow Him. Block out satan’s lies, do not allow satan’s lies to come out of your mouth or take residence in your mind. You have a choice to either believe the words of God that He will be your refuge, strength, and help or the lies that satan has, saying that God doesn’t care, He has left you to fend for yourself and you will never make it! Choose your thoughts wisely during this time, it will affect the outcome because you will base decisions on your thoughts. Spend time in God’s Word and listen to some uplifting music, pray for God’s guidance and or deliverance, He will always come through. Pray for guidance during these crazy times and follow God with your whole heart! Don’t hold anything back knowing that truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “You become what you think about.” Earl Nightingale
Ladies, I am so excited to share with you that my book is now available temporarily at a discounted price. This would be great to buy and give to someone who is struggling or for your Ladies Group to go through together, or even for someone who doesn’t know the Love of God yet. CLICK HERE. The new book is a 90-day devotional to help you grow in your understanding of His love which in turn will give you hope and grow your faith. ALSO: PLEASE, if you have ordered the book would you please go to Amazon and leave a review? Thank you so much for your support in spreading the word