Galatians 5:22-23, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, against such there is no law.
There’s so much in life that happens in life that we have no control over. I actually made a short list this morning when I was thinking about this:
~ My hair! (Hahahaha, but I’m serious – it’s crazy! But this would be – the least of these…)
~ What happens around or sometimes to me or what has in the past
~ What other people say to or about me
~ Decisions people I love and care about make
Life can be downright crazy sometimes and we just don’t have any way to control it, but we do have the ability to not allow it to get inside our hearts and minds! My constant prayer is Psalm 51:10, Create a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.” When my heart is broken I pray that prayer so bitterness and anger won’t grow in it’s place. I pray that first thing in the morning and anytime I start feeling like I am losing the right perspective on all that is going on.
When we accept Him as our Savior, He gives us His Spirit so we have everything mentioned in Galatians 5! The more we seek Him and allow Him to work in us and guide us the more we become like Him and the more the fruit of His Spirit within us will shine through! None of us has arrived, but we daily have the choice of how much we want to know Him and reflect Him. The beauty of that too is the fact that because of the Holy Spirit, we do have the ability to control some things. For example:
~ Our Time, and Money – ask God for the ability to be organized and take control of these if you struggle in this area. His Spirit will give you the self-control you need if you allow Him to. There are a lot of resources out there for getting control of those.
~ What and how much I eat and drink so I can be healthy. Make the best choices if you want to feel well. You can’t fill your gas tank in your car with just anything and expect it to run right and the same is true with your body. He will give you wisdom for what your body needs and He has promised us self-control by giving us His Spirit. Sometimes we just have to exercise self-control in order to have more. AND don’t get all legalistic about it until you can’t enjoy what you eat and drink, it isn’t about that~ it’s about your controlling IT – not the other way around. Just like everything else – just ask Him for His help, He is happy to help!
~ How I react to what happens around or to me. Don’t let what is going on compromise your walk with God and your testimony Seek His face and give it to Him – if you want vengeance then keep Isaiah 54:17 close and allow God to be your vindicator! Trust me, He is better at it than you and if you want His blessing then you need to trust Him and focus on Him NOT the wrong that was done. I see so many books out there about being married to a narcissist and while I do know how awful that is because I was, don’t allow that to be your focus! Focus on all that God has planned for your life, don’t focus on the past. No matter what you have faced or are facing the best thing you can do is focus on Him and give it all to Him. Don’t try to figure it all out. Ask Him for the strength you need so nothing but Him consumes you and then you can have His peace. He hasn’t missed a thing ~ He has heard and seen everything! He will take care of it in His time!
~ Who I allow to have my ear and my time. Did you know that you will become like the top five people you spend the most time with? Make the best choices!
God’s Spirit is such an incredible gift and if we grow in Him then we are able to serve Him and we are able to make a difference. We live in a world full of people who are lost and looking for answers and He is the answer to everything. Let’s determine to be the light He created us to be so they will be drawn to Him!
~ Whether or not I allow what is said to or about me to affect my day and how I feel about myself. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent!” If He is your Savior then you are a child of the King of Kings and only He has the ability to define you because He alone created you! You don’t have to allow anything said into your heart and mind. Guard your thoughts! If someone is saying things about you that aren’t true they and the people who believe it will answer to God for it and you just have to leave it there and allow God to take care of it! He will!
Quote: “Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”