It’s All About Trust…

by | Apr 18, 2022

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He willll direct your paths.

I have found that our faith doesn’t come down to whether or not we believe God can do something, it is whether or not we believe He will do it!  We all know that God can do anything, after all, He created everything, so we understand that nothing is too difficult for Him!  

Faith is trusting that God will always do what He has said He will do ~ He is God and He cannot lie, so what promises of God are you clinging to and praying today?  Are you believing and trusting that He will fulfill all that He has promised?  In order to grow our faith, we have to grow our trust in Him!  We have to believe that if He doesn’t move that mountain, there is a better plan but above that, we have to believe that if the mountain needs moving, He will certainly move it!  Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t and you need to trust Him.

How much do you trust Him?  Let me ask you this; if you find that your finances are so backward this payday that you owe way more than what came in, do you tithe, or do you feel as though you can’t afford to tithe?  Do you trust Him that if you are obedient He will come through and take care of all that He has promised to do?  There are so many things in life that can be overwhelming and we are tempted to want to have complete control, for example; our children’s lives, wouldn’t it be nice if you could control all that happens so they wouldn’t experience hurt and pain, but we aren’t in control, so we have to learn to trust God.  There are times when all of the “programs” in the world won’t give you control over your finances.  Life as we know it just isn’t perfect in this world so your trust has to be placed in something.  Are you putting your trust in Him or are you trying to hold on to control?  We don’t know what God knows and we certainly cannot do what God does so why do we try to hold on to control?  

We must start today to hold on to Him and who He is!  Get to know His heart better so you can fully understand who He is.  His love is overwhelming and His goodness stretches far beyond anything we really know!  Be intentional in placing your trust in Him!  Your faith will grow as you learn to trust Him more!  

Quote:  “Without hope, people are only half alive.  With hope they dream and think and work.”  ~ Charles Sawyer