It’s Ok To Say “No”

by | Feb 12, 2021

1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a  price.  So glorify God in your body.

Today let’s just take this at face value, for exactly what it is saying!  Life can be so complicated and busy some days with schedules that can even make your calendar want to run and hide so you can’t add just one more thing!  STOP FOR A MINUTE!  You have to take time for yourself!  Your kids don’t need one more thing!  You can say “no” to adding anything else to your schedule this Spring!  Seriously, the world will not stop spinning if you say “no”!  

Satan would love to see you so busy that you don’t have time for even the most basic things like having a decent meal!  Now, stop for a second and don’t beat yourself up if you just fed your kids or maybe just yourself McDonald’s on the way to school or work.  Hakuna Matata ~ it’s in the past!   Believe me, I know you don’t have to have children or a spouse for this to apply to you!  Start fresh, right here, right now, and start making good decisions.  Start saying “no” to one more thing in your schedule!  Start planning ahead for healthful snacks and meals.  Add in some exercise even if it is just a leisurely walk to clear your head.  Find time for a nice bubble bath.  Whatever you do, don’t miss out on spending some quiet time alone with God, shutting out everything and everyone else, and just focusing on your relationship with Him and Him alone.  

Take the time to take care of yourself!  Don’t get lost in everything else until you wake up one day and you are ill because you have neglected to take care of yourself while you were doing, doing, doing!  You don’t want to miss out on anything God has for you in life because you didn’t take care of yourself.  God loves you and wants what is best for you and He wants you to take the time to take care of yourself, you are needed, and stretching yourself too thin will only wear you out.  

Ask God today what He would like to see in your schedule and what needs to go!  If we spent as much time teaching our kids about God as we do how to play sports the world would be a different place.  There’s nothing wrong with sports until they rule your life and you find as a Mom you are exhausted at the end of the day and all you see everywhere you turn is “one more thing”.  There’s a lot to be said for quiet time, not just for adults but for kids!  As adults, if we will concern ourselves with learning more about God and Who He is, vs. which sitcom to binge-watch while we wait for our regularly scheduled shows to start back up in the Spring, you may find that by spending time studying His word, “you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”  (Joshua 1:8)

It all comes back to setting our priorities.  We need to order our lives not the other way around!  Trust me, this is as much for me as it is anyone!  Let’s all take the time to sit down and take a look at our schedules, our finances, and our time taking care of ourselves and our walk with God, and let’s ask Him to help us set the priorities in each and every one of those things! (Trust me, you can take the time to do this ~ stop putting it off!)   His best for your life won’t be found in running, running, running or doing, doing, doing!  His best for your life will be found in Him and His priorities for your life!  The best is yet to come as you follow Him!

Quote: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  Eleanor Roosevelt