Luke 10:2, Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
It is Autumn here in the United States and that is typically considered harvest time for farmers. After all of their hard work, if there has been good rain and sunshine, it is exciting to see what all comes in! Well, it’s harvest time around the world for those who need to know Jesus. Are you willing and ready to be one of those laborers who are ready to help bring them to the saving knowledge of Him? We should be excited! We should be anxious and ready to share Jesus with those who don’t know Him and if we aren’t then it’s time to do a little soul searching and ask ourselves why? What could possibly be more important than helping lead others, especially those you love to Jesus so they can spend eternity with Him?
Everyone seems to want change in the world and the only change that will last or make a difference is Jesus. Whether it is those who need to get saved getting saved or those who are already saved getting their hearts right with God. We need to get passionate about Him! We need to get excited about sharing Him with others. Too many people in this world know nothing about Him and that is horrifying. People are dying every day lost and headed for Hell. We need to care and be pursuing God so we can live lives that scream of His existence.
It’s time to wake up from being passive and get passionate about sharing His love with others. Pray for His guidance! Get real in your walk with Him, that is the first step. Ask Him to show you what you can do to share Him with everyone around you, whether it is little things like “paying it forward” in the drive-through, or showing up at a nursing home and taking some flowers to someone who has no one, or serving in your church, or setting an example at work. There’s always something we can do that will show the world the difference Jesus can make in their life. God would be happy to show you what that looks like if you will just ask Him.
Take a look around, who do you know that you encounter on a regular basis that doesn’t know Him? Think of the difference Jesus would make in their life. I seriously don’t have a clue how people survive the craziness of the world these days without Him! What would you do if you couldn’t pray to Him? Where would you find hope? How could you ever think there could be a better day? Share Him! Share His love! Pray for Him to open doors for you to share who He is. If you have loved ones that you aren’t sure how to share Him with, ask God to show you. My book, “The Greatest of These” has the full plan of salvation in the front of it so it can be shared with those who need salvation and daily devotions to give them hope. (It’s on Amazon). You will find that just talking with them and showing that you care by asking questions about where they are is usually most effective. Don’t miss an opportunity of sharing Him even in the little things that show His love. Ask Him for His heart for the lost. He will be glad to give it to you!
Quote: “It is not the things we get, but the hearts we touch, that will measure our success in life.” ~ Anonymous