Thank you to the ladies who have given to Chocolate and God this week. We are getting there slowly but surely. We are still $750 short. Would you consider doing your best gift today? Any and every gift will help. CLICK HERE to give. Thank you so much for your help!
1 Corinthians 10:31. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
Everywhere you turn lately someone is criticizing something or someone. You can expect that from people who are lost and don’t know the Lord, but that ought not to happen between people who love the Lord! Yes, we need to hold each other accountable, but everything shouldn’t be a competition between believers or judgment. Leave the judging to God, we are not only NOT called to judge, but we are also told that we will be judged by the same measure that we judge others by. Soooooo, before you jump to judgment, stop and ask yourself if you want God to hold you accountable the same way you are holding everyone else accountable.
I found myself recently wanting to message another godly woman that I have held up on a pedestal spiritually because of some public statements that she made but God firmly told me that it isn’t my place. I need to pray for her and her ministry and that satan won’t get the opportunity to use her slip up to mar her ministry. We need to hold each other up in prayer, not spend our time correcting each other. (Before I go any further, I must state here though that I am not talking about correcting me on grammatical errors or if I make a typo on something ~ I appreciate your input ~ this isn’t about me). God just really put it heavy on my heart that we are getting closer and closer to His coming and His desire is to empower as many people as possible that will put their “yes” on the table to reach as many people as possible so they will not die in their sin. He needs us to start holding each other up in prayer instead of seeing each other as threats. You can’t have too many people teaching the Word of God. You must discern whether or not they are truly godly, but that is different than instantly feeling as though another woman writing a blog, or teaching in the church or speaking at conferences or writing a book or serving on a board, whatever it is, that she is a threat. It’s for His glory that we serve!
We need to band together to ward off the attacks of satan. We need to be on our knees and praying for each other! We need to be serious about our prayer lives so we can defend each other in prayer! Satan is out to destroy as many people as he can and he will use Christians if he can because that is even worse. The time is short. People are dying and going to Hell, you can’t reach them all by yourself, we need an army of people who are willing to give their all to Jesus. I have to admit that I get tired of feeling as though my ministry is seen as any type of threat to anyone else, Chocolate and God isn’t about me, it is about God. NO, chocolate has never been and will never come before God to me, it was just a name that Bill came up with because he saw it as two things that women tend to love. I haven’t built this ministry, I just said “yes”. God is in control and He is the builder. I love the Lord and I want to serve Him and I would love to see an army of women coming together to say, “let’s do this for the kingdom!” Let’s hold each other up in prayer. Let’s encourage each other in whatever God calls us to do. Let’s find opportunities for each other to serve. How can we bless each other in ways to further the call? Prayer is a serious thing, it is not to be taken lightly, it is a great privilege to be able to talk to God and to know that He sees and He cares and He wants to hear from us. It is a serious thing to tell someone else you will pray for them, they are counting on it. I have to admit, I have been going through one of the darkest seasons of my life and every time I get a text saying, “I am praying for you” it gives me encouragement and builds my hope for that day. When you tell someone you will pray ~ pray! When you see another woman or man striving to serve God, don’t see them as a threat see them as part of the team serving God! Pray for them. Honor God by encouraging them. It’s time for us to give absolutely everything to Him. It is time to come together and show the love of Christ to the world and that needs to begin by showing it to each other. The world needs to see that we are different and as messed up as the world is there can’t be too many of us serving the Lord. The Bible says in John 13:35, “By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” There’s really nothing to be jealous of on any level because God loves you and He created you just the way He wants you to be because He has a plan just for you and He only asks that you seek Him with all your heart. Don’t worry about someone else’s place, you are special to Him, no one matters any more than you do ~ He is a big God who is able to love each and every one of us beyond anything we can possibly imagine, so soak it up and pour it out! His best is yet to come!
Quote: “Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.” ~ Will Rogers
Please take a moment and share your prayer requests and pray for others as well: CLICK HERE