I need your help. It’s time for Chocolate and God to become a non-profit organization. For 10 years I have been doing Chocolate and God. My husband Bill and I have covered the vast majority of the expenses. From time to time we have asked for your help on special projects and you have given to Chocolate and God, even though we are not a non-profit organization.
The time has come to make Chocolate and God a non-profit ministry. The cost to do this is $1200 and I am asking for a few leaders to help launch this ministry to the next level.
Ladies in over 100 countries read my devotional. Over 100 radio stations play the Chocolate and God features daily in the USA, the Middle East, and now in New Zealand.
Ladies, I need your help to raise this money and help make Chocolate and God more impactful for women around the world. Would you consider a $100 gift to help grow Chocolate and God? Any size gift would be appreciated.
Credit Card – https://chocolate-and-god.square.site
PayPal – Paypal.me/ChocolateandGod
Venmo – https://venmo.com/Janet-Scott-11
Thank you in advance for your help!
God Bless,
Janet Scott