Matthew 9:29 Then he touched their eyes saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.”
If you are consumed with fear about your situation then you will not have the faith you need to bring it to pass. Fear is the opposite of faith and fear paralyzes your abilities to do what you need to do, it hinders your prayer life and it snubs out any faith you may have that you needed to bring it to pass.
Fear and faith are emotions that you have to choose sometimes on a daily basis which one you will serve. I know the fear of a situation can be overwhelming but when we feel that way we need to pray and ask God to give us the faith we need. Remind yourself who God is! Start praying and praising God for who He is and turn on some praise and worship music that also praises God for how amazing He is. Don’t turn on the music that confirms the way you feel. I know from my own experience that there are times I just want to wallow in my “suffering” so I think there is comfort in a song that confirms for me that “yes, life is too hard”. It is time to snap out of it, not confirm those miserable self destructive feelings!
I decided the other day that I can never have too much faith and I can never have too much control over my thoughts! Choose your thoughts wisely, be careful what you speak over your life! Look for hope, choose to reject those thoughts that tell you it can’t be done or that God isn’t going to move in your situation. “According to your faith be it done to you!” You don’t have to allow those fear filled negative thoughts rule your day and life, it is your choice to believe and to have faith.
I would encourage you today to start choosing your thoughts and your faith! Memorize some key verses like this one to remind you that you must hang onto faith and reject fear. I have even programmed reminders into my phone to go off every hour to remind me of the thoughts I need to have. Don’t let go of your hope and your faith, believe that God is far bigger than any problem that comes your way and trust Him to deliver you!
“Hope never dies where faith is strong and faith grows strong in the presence of hope.” Chad Whitmeyer