Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
Do you need wisdom, guidance, knowledge and direction? If you seek God’s face and you spend time in the Word ask Him and He promises He will show you things you could never know without Him!
God’s goal for you is not for you to wander aimlessly wondering, His goal is to fill you with His wisdom and knowledge for life so you can be successful in all He has called you to! When you get frustrated because you don’t have answers are you spending time reading your Bible and seeking God on every level available to you or are you expecting Him to “write it on the wall”? Remember the writing on the wall wasn’t a “good” thing, it was a curse!
Seeking God should not be some sort of overwhelming task, it should be a deep seated desire as a Christian to always be attempting to know Him better! We should love to learn new and amazing things about HIm on a regular basis, it should be exciting to have Him reveal a little more of Himself to us!
What do you need answers for today? Have you asked God for His wisdom and guidance? Sometimes the answer is right in front of us, we just need to ask to be able to see it. Don’t hesitate and certainly don’t put off asking God to show you all you need to know day by day and to reveal the hidden things you don’t understand or know yet. He is waiting. The best is yet to come but you have to ask for it!
“When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” Tuli Kupferberg