Let The Awe Of Who He Is Consume You & Change Your Day!

by | Oct 15, 2024

2 Samuel 7:22, Therefore, you are great, ADONAI, God; for there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you~ everything we have heard confirms that.

David was praising God for all He had done and the promises God had given him.  David never lost sight of who God is and that is why He always turned to Him and always trusted him.  God in His goodness has given us the ability to know Him on a level we can humanly understand, unfortunately, it seems who He is has been watered down in some Christians’s minds and that is affecting everyone and everything.  For one, He is capable of handling anything you may be facing, nothing is too difficult for Him, we all have heard and know that!  That is what gives us hope when we are facing things that are beyond us.  We also need to know Him well enough to be totally in awe of who He is!  Awe as in even a bit of healthy fear where sin is concerned.  Let me put it this way; I knew growing up that I was my Dad’s little Princess and he loved me so much.  I knew that he would protect me and provide for me, but I had a healthy fear that if I disobeyed there could be a whoopin’ coming.  That didn’t mean he no longer loved me and he wasn’t abusive in his discipline.  He disciplined us because he loved us.  Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a whoopin’ from the Lord any more than I did my Dad back in the day!  While His love comforts and draws us closer to Him a healthy awe and fear can help us choose to stay clear of anything that may tempt us to sin!  

While I know it can be difficult at times, be careful to not allow your focus to become everything going on around you until you are no longer focussed on God.  I have seen a lot of great speakers focussing on what different celebs or politicians are doing to the point that I rarely see anything about who God is from them anymore.  Whatever you are focussed on is what you will think and talk about so while we must stay informed we must also set our hearts and minds on Him.  The craziness is literally in your face everywhere you turn so it is so important to be intentional in your walk with God!  Take the time to pray about it all!  Pray for your country, pray for the leaders in your country, and for the people who are called to fight to make a difference on a political level because that battle has become fierce,  pray for your pastor, your family, friends, coworkers, and make sure you also pray for Israel!  The best thing any of us can do is pray and seek God because He is the only one who can make a difference!

Allow who God is to consume you today.  Focus on Him.  Find some time to get alone and pray.  Ask Him to help you to always keep Him first and to guide you in all you do so you can be all He created you to be!   


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