Let Your Faith Shine!

by | Dec 9, 2024

Luke 18:8  “However when the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth?”

Jesus was talking to His disciples about the fact that they should always pray and not give up.  He told them about the “unjust judge” and how the widow kept going to him wanting him to bring justice to her situation so he finally did it just to get her to stop.  He wanted His disciples to see that they needed to trust God and continue praying and having faith.  He wanted them to learn that even if they couldn’t see an answer yet to just keep asking and trusting God to do what He said He would do.  And then He asked, “However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

How much do you trust Him?  How much faith do you have in Him?  We tend to think it is easier when everything is going good and yet the reality is that too often when everything is going good people sometimes forget how much they still need God.  God doesn’t want to be forgotten because He blesses you, He wants it to draw you closer to Him.  Whether in the valley or on the mountaintop, God wants you by His side.  He wants a close relationship with you because He loves you so much!  If you are going through the “fire” or storms in life, know that it is for a season.  It didn’t come to stay, it came to pass, but how are you going to handle it?  Are you going to stand in faith just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and say that you know your God can deliver you and turn everything around, but even if He doesn’t you will still hold on to your trust and faith in Him?  Those boys didn’t just come through the fire, they came out and they didn’t even smell like smoke because they trusted God and He stood right there in the fire with them!  Wow!  

Let’s face it life here on earth can be crazy and sometimes downright awful and unfair.  How will you handle it?  That is what Jesus was talking about!  Would there be anyone left on earth when He returns who still trusts Him and still has faith in His character and all that He is or would they just be angry because there are so many things that happen in life that are overwhelming?  True faith and trust are often found in the fire and it is a choice.  Trust is putting your faith to work, it is believing in God’s character despite what you are seeing.  It is knowing that God cannot lie and He is faithful. 

So, will you trust Him with it all today?  Will you trust Him in every situation?  Trust Him to bring the right people into your life!  Trust Him when it seems everyone has left you and turned their back on you ~ Jesus gets it!  Trust Him to give you the strength and wisdom you need when that task before you seems daunting, but you know you are called to do it.  Trust Him when you feel too young or too old.  Trust Him when you are hurting so badly you aren’t sure how to make it through another day!  I am not telling you this from some pie-in-the-sky mountaintop.  God has allowed me to go through fires beyond anything I could have imagined and He has been there and He is faithful and mighty and His love for you can consume you to bring healing and peace and blessings. He wants you to know that He will bring the right people into your life at just the right time.  He has allowed that in my life so I can tell you without a doubt that He sees, He cares, and He loves you.  Don’t get angry with Him because the world around you is messed up, choose to draw close to Him knowing that it is in Him that you will find His best is yet to come! He has called you by name.  He sees and wants to show you His plan!  Choose to trust Him and to have faith in who He is knowing His best is yet to come!