Luke 10:2. And He said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
It is time to step into the Harvest! We need to concern ourselves as much with the “harvest” as we are about our own circumstances! I am not saying that you have to ignore what is going on in your life or dismiss your heartaches, I am saying that we all need to pray for more of a burden for the lost and for our willingness to reach them.
If you take a look around, you will notice that even tv is riddled with agendas to make wrong seem right and right wrong and there are more “gray areas” than my parents could have ever dreamed imaginable. I am at a point where I could live without tv and be just fine! One of the shows that Bill and I were watching that was very clean, not full of sex or profanity blasted Christianity on an episode that we watched, of course after several episodes and made Hell sound like a joke. So much for that! How sad! It is time! The louder the world gets the more determined we need to be to live godly lives! Don’t just settle for the “status quo”, dare to be more! Dare to pursue God with your whole heart! Trust me, satan will come after you with everything he can but you can do this! I would love to see an army of men and women standing on the Word of God! Women who know who they are in Christ, loving Him, and living lives that show that you don’t have to tear men down or run around half-naked in order to prove your worth! Men who don’t settle for where they are spiritually, but determine to honestly be men of God. God is over people faking their walk with God in public while they live like a spiritually deprived person at home. The world needs men and women who love God and that love just flows out to everyone around them, drawing them to God. We have the answers that the world is looking for! It is time we start living like it!
Walk in victory today! Hold your head high! Set an example! The holiday season is coming and trust me there are a lot of people out there who are hurting and angry and they need someone to show them that they are deeply loved! Allow the love of God to consume you! He loves you! He cares about everything you are facing and He is working on it even though you may not be able to see it or feel it! Other people need that same hope and so many have no idea where to find it! Let’s set our hearts and mind on Him and allow Him to use us in a way to draw others to Him! The best is yet to come!
Quote: “Each of us will one day be judged by our standard of life, not by our standard of living; by our measure of giving, not by our measure of wealth; by our simple goodness, not by our seeming greatness.” ~ William Arthur Ward
Hey Janet , I love your devotionals , I read them everyday and they have blessed me and others. Is it possible to make the font a little bigger?
Thank you, Donna
Thank you, Donna! I will look into that! God Bless! Janet