Look Up!

by | Sep 11, 2021

Psalm 121:1-2,  I will lift up my eyes to the hills ~ From whence comes my help?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.

What do you need help with today?  Whether it’s something big or small take the details to Him.  Don’t leave Him out of your life on any level.  Make that relationship with Him personal.  Learn to share it all with Him.

If you are weighed down today I would encourage you to lift your eyes to Him and pour your heart out to Him today.  Not one tear you have cried has escaped His notice.  He sees He cares, He loves you more than words and He wants you to bring it all to Him and trust Him.  I am not really sure why we think anything is better off with our clinging to it and hanging on for dear life instead of trusting Him with all that we love.  The safest place you can put anything you truly care about is in His hands and leave it there.  You aren’t capable of taking care of that situation or protecting that person you love better than He is so pry your hands off and give it all to Him knowing how much He loves you!  Remind yourself that He has a plan for your life but you must pursue Him and you must trust Him.  Don’t give up.  Your answer could be here today.

Maybe today you are that person that God has placed where you are to be that “such a time as this” person.  Maybe God wants to use you to be His hands and feet for that person in need.  Sometimes the simplest of things you can do for someone else turns out to be the greatest blessing!  Ask God to show you any opportunities that come your way to show His love to the world around you.  It’s amazing how much better your day is when you take the time to bless others.  So often we wonder why God doesn’t do something when all the while He is saying, “that’s why I put you where you are, that’s why I gave you that extra money, that’s why I gave you that passion.”  I love that song by Matthew West that says just that, “Do Something”.  Maybe today you need to put your “yes” on the table to be that person.

No matter what is going on in your life today it’s time to lift your eyes up to Him.  Whether you are the one needing His help or you are the one He put there to help, don’t miss out on His best.  Take it all to Him.  

Quote:  “Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”  ~ Mac Anderson