Luke :46-47,49, And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. (NIV)
I know this has been a crazy year for most people so I would like to really encourage you to magnify your Lord and Savior instead of all of the craziness going on. Take advantage of this wonderful time of year and truly celebrate our Lord’s birth. Don’t get caught up in political debates. Focus on Him!
There are so many people hurting in so many ways that I would encourage you to reach out where you can to show His love. Ask Him to show you opportunities to show His love. If you are the one in need please allow others to bless you because it is from Him.
Is there someone you need to forgive? Do it! How much good has it done to hold on to that unforgiveness, frustration, and anger? Bitterness will eat you alive. Let it go so you can move forward. Unforgiveness will make you a prisoner to that situation and it will keep you from all that God has for you.
Slow down and take the time to spend time alone with Him. Dig into His word and spend time in prayer. Ask Him how you can make Him the center of all that you are doing? Don’t allow silly distractions to keep you and your family from truly celebrating Him. We have almost made Christmas so complicated with all of the “things and stuff” that we miss out on our Precious Savior. I usually never decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving but this year I did and it has made so much of a difference because I am not feeling as though I am rushing from Thanksgiving to Christmas and missing out on relaxing and enjoying this season. It didn’t take anything away from Thanksgiving. Being thankful should be a mindset and if changing out your decorations (actually I had some Fall and some Christmas up ~ our house may have looked like we were a bit confused. LOL) makes you lose sight of being Thankful then you need to work on that. I get that Christmas too often becomes all about the presents, but it is our hearts that need to be right in all things. On that note, I would encourage you too, to make sure you take the time this Christmas to look back and recognize that even in all of the craziness there have been things that God has done for you to carry you through. Be thankful this Christmas for His birth and Who He is and for His love for you! He loves you so much and He cares about every detail of your life. Magnify Him this year as you celebrate His birth knowing that truly His best is yet to come!
Quote: “If what you believe doesn’t affect how you live, then it isn’t very important.” ~ Dick Nogleberg