2 Timothy 2: 23-26, “But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.”
Have you ever just felt like slapping a knot on someone’s head because they don’t listen? You try explaining something that you would think would be common sense and it is like there’s a door shut in their mind and they are just unable to hear or understand. Well, don’t do it ~ do not slap a knot on their head ~ no “Gibbs slap”, nope, nothing. God says “No”. As difficult as it may be in this crazy day we live in where ignorance, anger, rebellion, slander, lies, hatefulness, witchcraft, and behavior that is ungodly and straight from Hell is rampant, we are called to be like Him! We need to live lives that reflect Him! We must stand for what is right and we must do it in a way that sets us apart from the way the world does it. This is why God has given us His Spirit within us so we can overflow with the fruit of His Spirit, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self-control.” People don’t need more anger coming at them, they can see it everywhere they turn. They need to see Him and the only way that will happen is if we allow His Spirit to control our actions. Trust me, I have had a lot of moments lately when I would love to have spoken my mind but I knew that my giving someone a piece of my mind wasn’t going to draw them to God and it would have just provoked more anger. Anger begets anger. Have you ever watched someone who is angry start swearing and the more angry words that come out of their mouth the more angry they appear to get? These verses are telling us, “Don’t get wrapped up in that.” They are also saying to just straight up avoid needless arguments. Speak truth and if it isn’t received then as difficult as it may seem, walk away from the conversation, change the subject, whatever it takes but don’t lose your self-control.
In everything we do we need to keep in mind what is important. We have very little time and there are people who are lost. We must keep the main goal, the main goal and that is to be His hands and feet so they will come to Him and accept Him as their Savior. The CJSB translates these verses like this: “But stay away from stupid and ignorant controversies ~ you know that they lead to fights, and a slave of the Lord shouldn’t fight. On the contrary, he should be kind to everyone, a good teacher, and not resentful when mistreated. Also, he should be gentle as he corrects his opponents. For God may perhaps grant them the opportunity to turn from their sins, acquire full knowledge of the truth, come to their senses, and escape the trap of the Adversary, after having been captured alive by him to do his will.” Satan is after everyone he can possibly trap, with witchcraft, Wicca, gender confusion, you name it, he is working overtime to trap them. We must fight for them by being who God created us to be. Instead of getting angry that they are so far from God, ask God to burden your heart for them and to give you the compassion and heart that He has for them.
We all have the opportunity to be a light in a dark, dark world. Trust me, I am certain there were many days my parents would have liked to have slapped a knot on my head and I am certain there have been times and people who would have liked to have slapped one on yours too, more than likely, so let’s strive to show others Jesus! Let’s set our hearts and minds to not be easily angered or offended, but to become all He created us to be so other people are drawn to Him! There’s really nothing more important on earth we can do.