Ruth 1:15-15 And she said, “See your sister in law has gone back to her people and to her gods return after your sister in-law.” But Ruth said “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.”
In case you haven’t read the book of Ruth, these verses are a conversation between Naomi and Ruth. Naomi was Ruth’s mother in-law and Naomi’s husband and her sons all died so the three women, Naomi, Ruth and Orpah were all widows and Naomi decided to return to her home town and she encouraged the girls to stay with their families in Moab. Orpah cried but went to her family to stay but Ruth begged Naomi to allow her to go with her back to Bethlehem so she could take care of her.
We all have to make choices in life, some are easier than others and sometimes we tend to choose the most “comfortable” instead of choosing the “God” choice. Ruth chose Naomi’s God and Orpah chose the gods of Moab. It all seems simple enough if you just stopped there but as it turns out their choices that day had a significant impact. Ruth went with Naomi and ended up marrying Boaz and they had a son who was in the lineage of Jesus. Obed, her son was the grandfather of King David, you know the one who killed Goliath the giant. Now, did you know that Orpah was also married when she went back and she is believed to have had 5 sons one of which was Goliath, the giant that David killed, the enemy of the Israelites! Wow, one decision can have such an incredible impact on your life and the lives of your children and grandchildren!
Is there a decision you need to make today? Is there something you are tempted to do that would mean you are taking the “easy” road? Just make sure the path you are about to take is from God and not just convenient. God’s plan is always for good and it is so important to be sure that our decisions line up with His plan and call on our lives. So don’t just wing it, seek God so you can be sure in the days to come that no matter what you face you are confident that you are where you are supposed to be! There is no better place on earth to be than in the perfect will of God! As my youngest daughter used to tell my son when he was headed out the door as a teenager, “make good choices!” God will bless you for following His lead.
Quote: “Beautiful light is born of darkness, so the faith that springs from conflict is often the strongest and best.” R. Turnbull
I had no idea that Orpah was the mother of Goliath! Wow, fascinating stuff!