“Midbar” ~ The Wilderness Journeys Of Life #1

by | Jun 28, 2024

Exodus 13:17-18,  When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter.  For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”  So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.  The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.

God brought the Israelites out of Egypt which is in itself a mighty miracle.  The people saw the mighty hand of God come against Pharaoh, the people, and the Egyptian gods to show the Israelites not only His power but that He alone was God.  They spent many years in Egypt and grew accustomed to life there even during their years of slavery.  Seeing all of those plagues was as much for Israel as it was for Egypt.  While the Israelites looked on God attacked one Egyptian god after the next with the plagues, He was working on growing their faith. Now, here they are camped at the Red Sea with no way to get across.  Then along comes Pharaoh and his army…

     ~ Have you ever been there?  You think, “Finally I see God moving and answering.  He has come to my rescue” and then you see an attack headed your way that you are certain is going to take you out?!

Ahhh, we know God was just setting up their enemies for one final blow, one that would devastate Egypt for several years and give freedom to Israel.  He was showing His power to defeat their foes because the Promised Land wasn’t coming to them without a fight.  In this case, God did all of the fighting for them, they just had to keep moving forward through the sea and into the Desert!

Why on earth did He take them through the desert/wilderness?  It says right there in verse 17 that it would have been shorter to take the road through the Philistine country.  Even though there were many times along their journey, that they complained that God brought them out to the desert to kill them, that was not His purpose at all.  While they moaned and groaned, God was working in their hearts to renew and grow the relationship so they would learn to trust Him no matter what.

     ~ Have you or are you going through a season in life that just doesn’t make sense?  When you are going through a season that feels as though God is nowhere to be found.  You may be hurting on every level, in your finances, your relationships, your health, just everywhere you turn it seems like He “brought you to this place to die”.  That is not what the desert season is about, He is working in you to grow you in your walk with Him and in your faith.  He wants you to learn to trust Him especially when things just don’t make sense!  It hurts, it feels as though it will never end, and it can be lonely… it’s awful on every side, but He is there.  He wants you to trust Him that He is strengthening you and guiding you into all He created you to be.  He is protecting you in ways you don’t even see, He will not leave you.  

So, when you are tempted, just as the Israelites were to throw a hissy fit, stop and ask God, “What am I supposed to be learning through this?”  There is a purpose for every season of life.  Sometimes the quickest way through is to learn what you need to learn, just keep in mind you are not the only person in the situation He is working on, so His timing is always perfect on every side.  Nothing the Israelites faced in the wilderness was too difficult for God, they had to learn to go to Him instead of just throwing up their hands and complaining.  Nothing you are facing today surprised Him or is too much for Him to handle so go to Him, and ask Him to give you a clean heart, the right attitude, grace when needed, and for confidence and strength for the day!  No matter where we are in life that should be our prayer!  Mountain top or Wilderness ~ “God, create in me a clean heart, a right attitude, grace and love for others, grace for the situations that come my way, and your confidence and strength to be who you created me to be.”  It is in Him we find all we need!