New Ebook From Janet Scott Called “FAITH”

by | Jul 13, 2014


It’s been amazing to see so many people request my new ebook “FAITH” in the last two weeks.  In case you received this link from a friend and you are skeptical if the book is really free, well it is.  We will not spam your email inbox.  We won’t share your email address with anyone else.  You’ll receive an email whenever the next book comes out but that is pretty much it.  My goal and vision is to bless women through Chocolate and God on a daily basis and from time to time with an ebook at no cost to you.   You are welcome to share it with all your friends.  Please give them the link so they can receive my ebook on “FAITH.”

Ladies, it’s not to late.  I challenge you to join me on this journey of 30 Days of Unbridled Faith!  I am praying even now as I am writing this that God will build a wall of protection around you as you read this and that He will help you apply the truths God has for you in this E-book that I am offering you FREE OF CHARGE.

I have to admit that it sounded like such an easy project to write about Faith.  I am all about fully believing God for everything we may need and even for those things that we may not necessarily need but things that would bless.  God isn’t some “super store” in the sky but He does certainly care about all
you need and Master FAITH COVERdesire.  As I get near the end of trying to get through putting this together I have run up against what seems like all the forces of Hell trying to make me doubt all that I believe in about Faith!  The reason I tell you this is because you can expect resistance as well.  Satan is not going to stand by and just let you spend 30 days focusing on believing God for all that He has promised in His word.  He doesn’t want to see you go boldly before God’s throne believing and praying for your family, your needs and desires and for our country and certainly not the lost who need Christ.  I would seriously suggest praying that God will help you to commit to the full 30 days and that He will build protection around you so you can focus in on Him and that you will have all the confidence you should to believe Him for His answers.  There’s nothing more concerning to Satan than an empowered Christian with the Faith to move mountains!

God is good, He is always good so always keep in mind that if you knew what He knows about you and your situation you would be praying for the janetauthoranswer He is about to give you.  He will do what is best so therefore you can trust and believe that the best is truly yet to come.

This is not some “name it and claim it” book but it is a book designed to help you maintain and grow your faith in God.  We are commanded by God to have faith so therefore to go through life all doom and gloom is not some form of holiness.  The Bible is very clear, Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”  God calls us to believe in all that He has said and to trust Him.  May this next 30 days encourage you to grow in your faith in Him!

Sign up and get this ebook sent to you right now.  It’s free of charge, my gift to you.  Just put in your name and email below and click on picture of the book below.  CLICK HERE to get this new book.  Please help us share this new book with others.

Thank you,

Janet Scott